I guess I don't visit the site as much as most, so I had the impression that alot of people were way thin skinned on this site. I would have left this site in the rear views in a minute if 190 had not gotten the boot, but I guess I missed alot of the Lankey flack. I myself figure you should never post to someone with anything you wouldn't say if you were face to face on the street, it saves grief.
If my guess is right, Lankey will be like Marlon Brando in Apocalypse now, sitting in the hills of KY surrounded by his scooter mafia wearing pocket protectors, serving him burritos, and waiting their next assignment on firebombing Harley bars.:rofl_200:
I gotta admit though, I appreciate a guy with a good (cocky) sense of humor, and I will miss him

( I hope philthy aint leaving over this, got alot of respect for that guy. If you can UP, e-mail me at
[email protected], I'm heading into Ky in June on the bike, and would cruise through and meet Yankee, thanks Philthy, and keep healing!)