What Happened????

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Dreamster66 post is the best sum up of the situation. There hasn't been any rule changes and it's not a big deal if you posted in the The Junkyard. I got rid of that forum because I believe it was creating a negative effect on the rest of the forum. It was becoming a place where posts and users were being targeted for abuse by a select few. I'll agree there was some good posts in some threads, so if anyone wants to start a social no subject thread like the Bar and Grill thread, be my guest.
RazoR, I've sent you a "special" PM! :rofl_200: LOL...
I never visited the junkyard as I feared that the name summed ou what went on there but as far as 190 goes I don`t know who started that fire but we all had our gas cans ready. I knew that this was going to happen but, I think that it`s a good thing that it did although, I will miss lankey (Donn) no one could make me laugh like him.
but anyway everyone is right, this is a place for us vmax owners and we should be damn glad that buster brought this to us all!!
I have gaind an enormous amount of knoledge and made some great friends here and thats what it should be about not a bashing ground.
We are all all men here and we can just ignore a problem when it arises and forget about it right ??
just my $5.00 worth
I guess I don't visit the site as much as most, so I had the impression that alot of people were way thin skinned on this site. I would have left this site in the rear views in a minute if 190 had not gotten the boot, but I guess I missed alot of the Lankey flack. I myself figure you should never post to someone with anything you wouldn't say if you were face to face on the street, it saves grief.
If my guess is right, Lankey will be like Marlon Brando in Apocalypse now, sitting in the hills of KY surrounded by his scooter mafia wearing pocket protectors, serving him burritos, and waiting their next assignment on firebombing Harley bars.:rofl_200:
I gotta admit though, I appreciate a guy with a good (cocky) sense of humor, and I will miss him:punk:

( I hope philthy aint leaving over this, got alot of respect for that guy. If you can UP, e-mail me at [email protected], I'm heading into Ky in June on the bike, and would cruise through and meet Yankee, thanks Philthy, and keep healing!)
Dreamster66 post is the best sum up of the situation. There hasn't been any rule changes and it's not a big deal if you posted in the The Junkyard. I got rid of that forum because I believe it was creating a negative effect on the rest of the forum. It was becoming a place where posts and users were being targeted for abuse by a select few. I'll agree there was some good posts in some threads, so if anyone wants to start a social no subject thread like the Bar and Grill thread, be my guest.
RazoR, I've sent you a "special" PM! :rofl_200: LOL...

I and alot of others will agree to that .

One thing tho , what will stop these individuals registering again and with different email adds and aliaseses .......
I like the cast of characters on this board, and really have an appreciation for what Buster does. It's a thankless job being the traffic cop amongst a bunch of VMaxers.

Even though I think, at best, Yankee tolerated me, at some point after some time off I hope Yankee and Buster can share a virtual cold one and come to a meeting of the minds and LY can return. Burritos are good, even after they've been in the freezer for a while.

BTW, we need some more '09 Maxers on this friggin' site. Damnit. Stimulate the economy, boys.
I am ALL for a good time here and I will rib you just as much as the next guy... Like Maleko's bike getting 80mpg because he drives it like a girl... lol (as if I have any right to say that)

It's all fun and games but personal attacks that are negative in nature will not be tolerated.

Everyone left on this forum is OK with me. I only had an issue with a couple of people so rest assured no one has anything to worry about.... YET... lol

Cheers all!

I'm going to close this road as our divine shadow has spoken and I think it's run its course.

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