I'm sure that different people have different things they've done to the Max, (and are still doing, for that matter :biglaugh
, but what has been your personal best upgrade /project / mod and why?
For instance, In my case. My 91 was neglected, barely covered, left out in the elements, Almost NEW flame tread tires at time of purchase, but had age cracks in the rubber, so I had to change them out right away. Failed coil pickup after riding her for less than a year. Busted center stand. Forks leaking, Terrible lag, around 4-5K. Terrible rust in the fuel system.
So, after doing everything myself to remedy these issues, SO-FAR, I've found that my best "Project" was to attack the fuel delivery system.
I removed the tank to clean out, and coat it. Since the coating instructions recommended 4 day cure time, I gave it a full week. During this time I removed all fuel lines to clean internally. Broke down each carb for ultrasonic baths. Broke-down - cleaned-up the fuel pump. After all this, and getting any micro foreign matter out of my carbs by using Seafoam, it's been the best project I've worked on,, so far. Bike pulls STRONG and I'm a big guy.. As I work on bringing down my own weight, I'm sure the bike will feel even better. :eusa_dance:
P.O banged up the exhaust pretty bad. I got much better looking set, from one of the members here, for just the cost of shipping no less. So, slowly I'm working on the aesthetics now that the mechanical is working well.
For instance, In my case. My 91 was neglected, barely covered, left out in the elements, Almost NEW flame tread tires at time of purchase, but had age cracks in the rubber, so I had to change them out right away. Failed coil pickup after riding her for less than a year. Busted center stand. Forks leaking, Terrible lag, around 4-5K. Terrible rust in the fuel system.
So, after doing everything myself to remedy these issues, SO-FAR, I've found that my best "Project" was to attack the fuel delivery system.
I removed the tank to clean out, and coat it. Since the coating instructions recommended 4 day cure time, I gave it a full week. During this time I removed all fuel lines to clean internally. Broke down each carb for ultrasonic baths. Broke-down - cleaned-up the fuel pump. After all this, and getting any micro foreign matter out of my carbs by using Seafoam, it's been the best project I've worked on,, so far. Bike pulls STRONG and I'm a big guy.. As I work on bringing down my own weight, I'm sure the bike will feel even better. :eusa_dance:
P.O banged up the exhaust pretty bad. I got much better looking set, from one of the members here, for just the cost of shipping no less. So, slowly I'm working on the aesthetics now that the mechanical is working well.