what has happend to the forum

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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2009
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swannanoa nc
I hadn;t been here in a while.i sold my max,but thought i would touch bases with some of my old friends.thing is i dont know how.miss being on here and was just wondering how you guyz are ,is dannymax still around?how about spec ops?cop runner?Does anyone remember poppop?Anyone that was on here 3 or 4 years ago.hey all
VMax'es are as-inexpensive as I've ever-seen them, you should be able to pick-up a runner for a couple of grand, and something low miles and nice for double that, or a bit less, here in south Florida, anyway.
I've noticed that the forum seems.. "slower" these days, I guess.

I've been here for years, and am VERY grateful for all the help I've gotten. I don't (usually) have much to add to any conversations , except for agreeing or disagreeing with what most folks already mention in the threads. My attendance is usually just lurking. Even before I joined in 2012, I was a lurker for years, and read probably 3/4 of the threads ever made since then. It has been interesting to read threads that literally go on over years time. It's almost as if I personally know half of the members here, though I've only met about 6 in real life.

Wait. What was the question again, and why did I go on a babbling spree?

anyway popop, I do remember you. as well as sean, caseyjones, fire-medic and steve.. who have all helped me one time or another..(sometimes several). ;)

hey guy's,i remember all that commented,all of you,yea im still riding,but sold the max,didn't ride for a couple of years,now i got a honda vtx 1800 heavy as hell,still figuring it out.this will be my last one.im 63.wife and me rode it up the parkway a truck with a trailer turned from right to left did a u turn we met him in the middle of a curve .ran us off in the ditch.pinned the wife's leg against a bank.needless to say she is done with bikes.i miss all you guy;s hope all are doing well.i ll try to get on here a lil more often.just to stay in touch.now if i can figure it out,miss you all.terry.
Sounds like you made it outta the ditch ok (I hope). Good luck with your VTX. My brother has an 02 VTX1800C. He loves it. If you havent already, check out VTX Cafe. Some good people there with lots of tips and info on your bike. Almost as good as VMF...almost.
Wow I remember you all. No new faces though... I had back surgery in Jan. but the Vmax's are still too heavy to be safe on them. Sold both of my Vmax's but still have a lot of parts to go. If any of you still do that... I will post what I have soon( Disregard the prices for the parts I have the link to). Good to hear from all of you... I do use the E-Mail notification but don't post often.… Your still my brothers....
I still have email notifications, but since I'm not working on either of mine, I'm in other forums talking about full timing snowbirds, enclosed trailer conversions and dodge diesels etc. I just picked up the truck and want to travel as soon as I retire, but I'm having a hell of a time finding a narrow track enclosed trailer. Craigslist sucks. Also bought a bug out property 45 minutes out of town I have plans to build a man garage on.

Maybe Vmax prices and this forums activity go hand in hand.
hey guy's,i remember all that commented,all of you,yea im still riding,but sold the max,didn't ride for a couple of years,now i got a honda vtx 1800 heavy as hell,still figuring it out.this will be my last one.im 63.wife and me rode it up the parkway a truck with a trailer turned from right to left did a u turn we met him in the middle of a curve .ran us off in the ditch.pinned the wife's leg against a bank.needless to say she is done with bikes.i miss all you guy;s hope all are doing well.i ll try to get on here a lil more often.just to stay in touch.now if i can figure it out,miss you all.terry.
I hadn;t been here in a while.i sold my max,but thought i would touch bases with some of my old friends.thing is i dont know how.miss being on here and was just wondering how you guyz are ,is dannymax still around?how about spec ops?cop runner?Does anyone remember poppop?Anyone that was on here 3 or 4 years ago.hey all
Popop, you old **** ! Patmax here in same boat as you. First time back in a million years. Coprunner moved to FLA and I never seen him. Kyle moved to TN, Soec Ops still kicking but into Mustangs now and had back surgery. I got a new kidney, Dannymax, not sure. Of course Sean will never go and live forever if we are lucky ! Stupid me just snagged Max #9 yesterday but a complete parts bike.
Funny I would see your post having been gone so long. Thank god for iphone password recall ! LOL. Feels good to be back. Look for Kyles FB page , Max Motorvation. Keep posting !
Hey pop, I still drop in to post ignorant comments from time to time. Bought a kwikasfuki so haven’t been on the max lately. Need to pull the starter clutch on it too.
Sorry to hear about your misfortune on the new bike, stay busy and strong!
I drop in time to time. Noticed the forum got a revamp from the last time I saw it. I moved from upstate NY down to Austin, pursuit of better riding weather was definitely a factor. Vmax is gone, had a couple Z1000's, a Ninja 1000, a VFR, a Scout, and am currently on a '98 Valkyrie cruising around the southwest.

I always click on Vmax ads when they crop on on CL, I'd be tempted if I found a good "fix n flip" candidate that I could ride for a few months and make a few $ on. When they do pop up, they're either pristine condition with pristine pricing, or a complete junker (that they still want way too much for).

Whaddya know, just checked again and found this one
Dear RaWarrior:
Austin? As in TX? I was there a week ago, stayed at the Driskill Hotel, on 6th St, just-down from the Capitol. I didn't see you... .

If you don't buy that bagger, I might have to take a road trip, now!

I visited a cousin who lives in Manor, she has a farm about 20 minutes from Circuit of the Americas.

My wife went to Franklin to see about the wait for their barbecue, too-long for us! Ir's allegedly hours! We went to Lambert's Restaurant instead. My wife said, "it's the best I've ever-had!" We had some brisket and a short rib.

Governor Cuomo called, he said, "move-back to NYS so we can tax you, we'll rescind your outstanding traffic violations!"
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I drop in time to time. Noticed the forum got a revamp from the last time I saw it. I moved from upstate NY down to Austin, pursuit of better riding weather was definitely a factor. Vmax is gone, had a couple Z1000's, a Ninja 1000, a VFR, a Scout, and am currently on a '98 Valkyrie cruising around the southwest.

I always click on Vmax ads when they crop on on CL, I'd be tempted if I found a good "fix n flip" candidate that I could ride for a few months and make a few $ on. When they do pop up, they're either pristine condition with pristine pricing, or a complete junker (that they still want way too much for).

Whaddya know, just checked again and found this one
That is damn cheap for what you are getting !
Yeah, ditched NY a couple years ago. I don't remotely miss a single thing about it. No state income tax. Reasonable speed limits (the highest speed limit in the country is on the toll road just outside of Austin, 85mph- most others are 80). Cops don't hassle you about nothing. There's no "motorcycle safety checks". I can go buy a handgun in about 10 minutes if I so choose. Food here is amazing. I've had much better pizza here than I ever did in NY or NYC. Realized what passes for "mexican" food in NY is glorified Taco Bell. No wonder Cuomo's state has had the largest population loss the last couple years (while Texas has had the biggest gain- something like 80 people a DAY move to Austin).

Driskill is a nice place. Their lobby restroom is arguably the nicest place to take a dump on 6th street.

Franklin's is in all the tourist books and always has a huge wait. There's one or two other places in town like that too. They're good, but so are dozens of other bbq places in town, and they're almost famous just for being busy. People wait in line like it's tailgating, bring a cooler and beers, ect. If you ever make it back to the area let me know
Yeah, ditched NY a couple years ago. I don't remotely miss a single thing about it. No state income tax. Reasonable speed limits (the highest speed limit in the country is on the toll road just outside of Austin, 85mph- most others are 80). Cops don't hassle you about nothing. There's no "motorcycle safety checks". I can go buy a handgun in about 10 minutes if I so choose. Food here is amazing. I've had much better pizza here than I ever did in NY or NYC. Realized what passes for "mexican" food in NY is glorified Taco Bell. No wonder Cuomo's state has had the largest population loss the last couple years (while Texas has had the biggest gain- something like 80 people a DAY move to Austin).

Driskill is a nice place. Their lobby restroom is arguably the nicest place to take a dump on 6th street.

Franklin's is in all the tourist books and always has a huge wait. There's one or two other places in town like that too. They're good, but so are dozens of other bbq places in town, and they're almost famous just for being busy. People wait in line like it's tailgating, bring a cooler and beers, ect. If you ever make it back to the area let me know

I liked the topography, after being in south Florida, where it's flat, and the hills are freeway overpasses, and the curves are freeway on-ramps and off-ramps.

The Driskill Hotel has live entertainment, and the food is pretty-good, we ate in a couple different places in the hotel, both good. I couldn't finish my breakfast, and I rarely leave-behind any food. We went out to lake Travis and had a meal out there, it had an oyster bar, and I must-have had 5 plates, on the half-shell. Barbecue too, of-course, chicken. It was Lucy's, 2900 Ranch Rd., 620 North. I'd go-back.

I can see why people want to move there.
Is that give-away still available in Jacksonville, Ryan? Free is good. We had a blast down on 6th street last summer. And since my daughter now lives in Austin, we'll be back for sure. I'll PM you before next trip.

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