What main jets to run at 4500ft

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New Member
Jul 24, 2009
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I have an 85 v max with a kerker 4-2-1 exhaust with 2" competition baffle, dyanatek 3000 ignition, Uni filter, and stage 1 dynojet kit. The bike currently has 165 mainjets but came from Kansas which is barely over 1000ft and I live in Idaho at 4500 ft. Just wondering what you think I need to run for my elevation and setup.
Don't use my advice but I would say stock......152.5.

But here is why I posted.

After you feel you are close, go to High Desert Cycle in Idaho Falls.
Get it Dynoed.
Should be about $60 for 3 pulls and we can tune in between pulls.
If you schedule it on a day I can come up I will help with sync and installing the best main jet, needle shim.....etc.

Unless of course you are a Vmax Outlaw. :rofl_200:
That sounds like a good idea to me. I have never jetted a street bike or synced the carbs. I will PM you when I take it down if your willing to help me out.
I went with 147.5's for 5700ft elevation. Bike does very well for its age and has good power and fuel economy. Haven't checked plug color for awhile. Will do that and get back to you.
That sounds like a good idea to me. I have never jetted a street bike or synced the carbs. I will PM you when I take it down if your willing to help me out.

Are the brass plugs still in the carb a/f holes?

Have the tamper proof bolts been swapped out on the carb slide covers (1 each).

And has the PO drilled the slides out?

These are questions that will help us on Dyno day.

We may need a day to check everything out so we can "re-jet on the fly" while at high Desert.
Example: we need to know the condition of the o-rings on the brass bolts on the float chambers. Stuff like that.

PM me and lets work out a day I can come up, or you can come down. :punk:
Yo, man post up that Dyno chart.

We would love to see the curve, and get your settings for your elevation.