85 MAX-fan
Well-Known Member
What Cat? You haven't heard that there's a zombie uprising? :rofl_200:
One of my FB buddies said that there's a pic of the poor guy's faceless...well face...circulating the Ether. The last I read had powers that be attributing the horror to a drug called "bath salts".
This has nothing to do with "bath salts". That is just the government and police trying to cover up whats really going on. Zombeism is real, and there are well known accounts of it happening is some of the island nations, as well as the lesser known accounts of episodes similar to what happened in the Living Dead movies.
I feel bear spray would offer zero protection in this case, and advise the gun as your means to protect yourself from being devoured. As they said in the original movie, shoot 'em in the head, or beat 'em down, and then burn them. They go up pretty easy.
The guy that got his face chewed off doubted the reality of what was really happening right up to the point where his nose was being swallowed. Poor dumb bastard should have been packing heat.