:rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200:You guys are BAD!! Funny as hell but BAD!!!
"Credeur sprayed wasp spray in Jacquneaux's face in self-defense."It happened AGAIN!! New York this time...Are people loosing their ever loving minds??? I dont do drugs nor condone them so this behavior is ridiculous to me...
Again, drugs are not whats causing this. If the government went on record admitting that the dead were comming back to life and then commiting murder, along with devouring the victims people would panic.It happened AGAIN!! New York this time...Are people loosing their ever loving minds??? I dont do drugs nor condone them so this behavior is ridiculous to me...
Again, drugs are not whats causing this. If the government went on record admitting that the dead were comming back to life and then commiting murder, along with devouring the victims people would panic.
"The police were called to the scene at 7.45pm with reports that McCarthy was punching and choking her toddler and trying to strangle her pit-bull."
This alone may not be zombeism. The kid and the dog might just really have been asking for a beating. You know how kids can be these days.....Here I would have bear srayed all three, and let the cops sort it out. If the spray provoked any of them to start devouring the others THAT would make me suspicious of zombeism. Its well known that zombies LOVE spicy food, and bear spray is mostly just concentrated hot peppers.
And I bet you guys thought he was kidding about the bear spray.....right?
i'm starting to see the legitimate need for bear spray now. does amazon sell the stuff?
I'm sure the gummint has tumbled onto this solution but there's those pesky liberals to deal with first!
Hmmmm....any chance they sell bear spray by the 55 gal. drum? :hmmm:
speaking of liberals...they are already prepared for conventional self defence sprays. Go rightfor the good stuff and don't screw around.
Reportedly under the influence of drugs.....MAYBE.....He was only eating a dog, not human flesh so I wouldnt say he is definately a Zombie. Hell our Prez has eaten dog by his own admission, though I don't think he said if he were stoned at the time.Now here in Texas people are getting Zombied out, This idiot ate his dog when he couldnt catch the neighbors
That is a blend of different bath stuff mostly you can buy at bed bath & beyond plus other retail stores as well
The Zombie uprising is heading to Phillie too