I carry 24-7-365. it is always ready to go. I don't go to non carry areas unless I have to. At night it's within a short reach High calibers are my favorite but even the sub compacts can pull my pants down. I front pocket carry so it's very fast to draw. I found a 9mm that is so small I use a 380 holster and very good defensive ammo.
Mary carries a wheel gun that's fully loaded. Slower to get on target but .357.
Mary and I have had so many problems being tail gated at high speed on the bikes that we've both become expert at aiming backward. It amazes me how well peoples brakes work.:rofl_200:
It takes between a second and a second and 1/2 to have my weapon on target. Even that could be to long. The other person has that much time to shoot me and they know what's going on from the start. That's scary. Mary and I have an early warning for each other. "6 O:Clock" that may buy us just enough time. We use it often, just in case.
The main reason I like wheel guns, no safety, no slide to jack around with.....very simple, pull, aim & fire. If I'm carrying it's gonna be a fully loaded & RTG large caliber revolver!
If someone pulls a gun on me I prefer to have them close to me, I can and did once redirect his handgun and elbow him side of head in the temple. Now that was 30 years ago and I did it without thinking it wasn't the smartest thing to do but training kicked in.
I might not do that again......LOL
Hope you were joking about the tailgaters..that could land you in jail if you drew and pointed at a vehicle that was too close to you for comfort. I know how that sucks but I am sure that you really don't do that.. I'd hate to see you get thrown in jail because some dipshit was tailgating.
Out in the middle of the State of Florida's secondary roads it has happened more than one time. That was just the worst instance. It is not a joking matter and if I do go to jail, Oh Well....
I hate this no edit format we have now. WRECK LESS should have been RECKLESS.
Damn Old Age........
I'm with you Dann-o. Single action wheel gun for me. Pull the hammer back and then the trigger. High percentage that it's going to fire every time too. No empty chambers either.
That's the part that scares me too....street crime in our area is practically non-existent but home invasions do occur....which I feel is where our exposure is, and that's a problem! They won't be knocking on the door asking to be let in, they'll kick the door in and be armed and ready to fire instantly....leaving me almost no time to react.
Unless I have a gun in hand, pointed at the door, the chances of mounting an effective defense are very slim. That's where a good dog comes into play....maybe, just maybe she'll get me enough time. She's very alert and also very vocal so any evil doers may tend to seek another target when cruising this area....barking dogs and a liberal amount of gunfire act as a fairly good deterrent I believe.....I hope!
Sawed off 12 gauge next to the bed, scattered Glocks and S & Ws around and out side the house , dogs upstairs , at the front & back doors and driveway / house
flood lights on movement sensor activation with video . Obviously carry 99.9 % of the time with a throwdown , and don't frequent non-carry establishments if at all possible.
" Don't **** with an old man. If he's too old to run or fight. He will just kill you. "