Long marrages rule. I think the reason for the short ones, is that the amount of effort put into it is lacking.
My folks were married for over 45 years before my mom passed away.
I remember a few big ol fights. but they always worked it out. sometimes that night, others longer. My uncle just passed due to cancer. over 50 years in that marrage. the same thing. neither my dad, mom, aunt, uncle, went looking for the quick fix by calling it quits or looking for another mate.
True, animal procration is a primal urge. but thats too easy. monogomy, to me, means that you are willing to work **** out. unfortunately this concept is missed on one part and many marrages/pairing end. Then again other pairings start because someone wants to get on another's pant's then they don't know what the hell to do, so they end up hurting or getting hurt for that encounter.
I learned along time ago, couples are going to argue and have thier difficulties. The main thing is to talk and work it out. Find the common ground.
It's when one party locks up and refuses to listen to the other, thats when the relationship fails.
Just my opinion.
I am engaged to be married. November 7th... Less than a month now!
HEY! A lot of people are saying that. I wish I could invite everyone here. That would be bad ass. I am paying for it and as it is it's costing me over 10 grand. The FIL is paying for the DJ. I wish it could be the other way around but I shouldn't complain... He wants to pay for something. Have at it! :eusa_dance:
I've got friends here in town that aren't coming... I know it'll piss them off some but what to do... I HAVE to have family there and I am working within a budget. I also want it to be a NICE wedding. We will have about 100 people total.unk:
Yeah I am fortunate enough to not have to sell anything to do this. We were blessed with a VERY good year at work last year so my bonus was large and in charge. I saved 10 because I knew I would need it.
I wouldn't do this if I had to sell stuff to get it done.
3 collector Corvettes for someone elses wedding ? Not a chance ! Been married 26 years , we had my mother in law and her sister at our wedding with 5 close friends. Cost me about $ 500.00 total for flowers and church rental and pastor. Put the remainder of my savings for a house down payment. I've had my ' 56 since 1974 and wouldn't sell it for my daughter's wedding about 3 years ago. I had about $ 3,000. set aside for her and told her she could spend it anyway she wanted. Car , house , boyfriend , whatever , but she had to do her own budget.Just what we did 5 years ago Chris! Man, when you're footing the bill all of a sudden it's a lot more important to have a NICE wedding and still have some coin left for more important things like rennovations, IRA's, future plans!
It's nice to have a memorable wedding day, as I'm sure yours will be, but hardly worth going head over heels in debt for! Those days are long gone!
I know a local guy who sold his 3 collector Corvettes to pay for his spoiled brat daughter's wedding.....that's just plain wrong IMO!