Zimmerman-not guilty

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Did you watch the whole trial or just have the facts from the media. Not pointing fingers just asking ? This was not some innoncent kid like the media played out to be .

Zimmerman didn't KNOW that prior to shooting him. Plus what's wrong with a little weed and guns.

:smoke000::gun shoot:

Of course the kid was no angel, in my book none are. He should have let the cops take care of it. You are forever changed when you take a life. Whether you are defending yourself or not.

My 2 cents.
Zimmerman didn't KNOW that prior to shooting him. Plus what's wrong with a little weed and guns.

:smoke000::gun shoot:

Of course the kid was no angel, in my book none are. He should have let the cops take care of it. You are forever changed when you take a life. Whether you are defending yourself or not.

My 2 cents.
You are right none of us are angels at kids. I sure was not an angel but I never jumped on any one either. I am bowing out of this conversation as its like rather president Obama is a good person or not. We all have out own views.
It's a damn shame a kid had to die. At the same time, Zimmerman seemed to be in the right as far as I'm concerned, and had he not done what de did, who knows how many people could have fell at a later date at the kids hands. The parents should be at least somewhat liable, because even if they didn't know what he was doing, they prolly never really tried to do much to better his life in the first place. They honestly prolly won't give a damn that he's dead once a check is in their hands. Media and NAACP are ******* idiots. Racism only exists because idiots like Jesse Jackson push it to the forefront. If they can't let it go, how will it ever die?!? Zimmerman has to deal with the fact that he took a kids life. That's punishment enough for mere self preservation, he shouldn't have to deal with any of this other **** that's going down because of a group of people who can't look reality in the face and realize they're as much at fault, or more, as the kid who had to die because of what he thought was cool or smart to do when he's just doing what he learned from those very same people. If I turned on the news and heard nothing about racism, and god forbid something positive, I'd **** where I sat.
Good man that Morgan Freeman, always liked him. Problem is equality....REAL equality....will never fly. Who the hell wants to be treated like the white middle class male? Are you kidding, he has a JOB, gets up every day and goes to WORK....is RESPONSIBLE and takes care of his FAMILY.

Lots of talk about it but nobody wants to actually be treated like him....just want the stuff he's worked his ass off all his life for. :punk:
Good man that Morgan Freeman, always liked him. Problem is equality....REAL equality....will never fly. Who the hell wants to be treated like the white middle class male? Are you kidding, he has a JOB, gets up every day and goes to WORK....is RESPONSIBLE and takes care of his FAMILY.

Lots of talk about it but nobody wants to actually be treated like him....just want the stuff he's worked his ass off all his life for. :punk:

Yep...LOL....also pertains to a lot of generation Y. They want all of the same stuff that their parents have...without working for it.
There's a sale on white sheets at Walmart. Ought to get yourself one....
Not much else to say.

"by Ted Nugent

So this guy’s neighborhood has been burglarized off and on and the residents are very concerned for their safety and well-being. Neighbors agree to upkick their vigilance and overall level of awareness to watch out for each other and keep an eye out for suspicious individuals and behavior. It could be considered by an official designation such as “Neighborhood Watch”, but officially labeled or not, it is the purest form of Americans watching out for each other and being good neighbors.

So far so good.

So George Zimmerman sees what he believes is a suspicious individual in suspicious circumstances, and intelligently and responsibly pays attention and calls 9-1-1 to report what he sees to the officials. This gesture is proof positive he was not looking to do anyone harm or break any laws, but rather perform the fundamental responsibility of a neighbor who cares.

Doing nothing illegal or improper, he follows the individual while answering all the questions from the 9-1-1 operator to the best of his ability, keeping an eye on the individual so the authorities can hopefully intercept and determine exactly what is going on.

For reasons unknown, though I will comment on momentarily, after expressing racism and hostility on the phone to a friend in response to being followed, the suspect now changes course and turns towards George and immediately initiates a hostile verbal confrontation that quickly escalate to a violent physical assault. Within seconds, the suspect has overwhelmed George, has gained the advantage on top, pinning George to the ground, and further escalates the assault to deadly force by smashing George’s face, breaking his nose, and violently slamming his skull onto the concrete with all his youthful athleticism.

George screams frantically for help as Trayvon Martin pummels his face and head furiously, inflicting damaging and potentially life threatening wounds. Fearing for his life and about to lose consciousness at the hands of an enraged, violent attacker, George Zimmerman does what anyone who wishes to live would do, and he reaches for his concealed handgun, firing a single shot to neutralize the deadly force being wreaked upon him.

This represents the purest form of self-defense there is. It is exactly why people who believe in good over evil carry a gun to protect themselves from the well documented violence that plagues our country, in order to save our lives from a life threatening attack. Period.

Based on all evidence available to them, the professional law enforcement officers did not hold George Zimmerman on charges later that night. They saw it for what it was: cut and dried self-defense.

And so it was for a few weeks until the race-baiting industry saw an opportunity to further the racist careers of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the Black Panthers. President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder, et al, who then swept down on the Florida community refusing to admit that the 17-year-old dope smoking, racist gangsta wannabe Trayvon Martin was at all responsible for his bad decisions and standard modus operendi of always taking the violent route.

With an obvious racist chip on his shoulder, referencing the neighborhood watch guy as a “creepy ass cracker” to his fellow racist female friend who admitted under oath that that is how non-blacks are referred to normally in their circles, Trayvon had no reason not to attack, because it was the standard thug thing to do. See Chicago any day of the week.

With nearly 700 examples of this truism played out in Chicago in 2012 alone, no one can possibly dispute the recent surge in black racism increasing throughout Barack Obama’s presidency. To attempt to claim otherwise is a laughable lie.

The jury got it right, and non-racist America rejoices that there is still common sense, honesty and decency aware of identifying justice in this country. America also believes that the entire prosecutorial team should be ashamed of themselves and disbarred for ignoring the obvious and kowtowing to the pure racism that forced the politically correct lie that only black lives killed by non-blacks matter, which is why there are no headlines, no protests, no prosecutions and no Barak Obama or Eric Holder meddling in the nonstop black-on-black slaughter in their gun-free zone of Chicago.

Martin Luther King Jr. is rolling over in his grave that he sacrificed his life for the cause of judging people by the content of their character instead of the color of their skin, as so many of his own race carry in in self-destructive behavior while professional race mongers blame everything on racism. It is painful and heartbreaking to say and write this, but horrifically it is true. Blacks kill more blacks in a weekend in Chicago than the evil, vile Ku Klux Klan idiots did in 50 years. Truly earth shattering insane. And not a peep from Obama or Holder. Tragic.

The only racism on that night was perpetrated by Trayvon Martin, and everybody knows it.

Here’s the lesson from all this, America: Teach your children to not attack people for no good reason whatsoever. Conduct yourself in a responsible, civil manner, and everything will be just fine. Try to kill someone and that someone just may be exercising his or her Second Amendment rights and you could get shot. It’s called self-defense, and it is the oldest, strongest and most righteous instinct and God-given right known to man.

Ted Nugent is an American rock ’n’ roll, sporting and political activist icon. He is the author of “Ted, White, and Blue: The Nugent Manifesto” and “God, Guns & Rock ’N’ Roll” (Regnery Publishing)."
Not much else to say.

Long quote by Ted Nugent

I agree with parts. Honestly no good will come from people continuing to argue about something they did not witness, and simply cannot know exactly what happened. There are a few facts that no one can change or challenge but bottom line, some facts are not all the facts no matter how much people try and change that.

*Some* of those facts are these:

  • Zimmerman was doing neighborhood watch.
  • Zimmerman saw someone he thought was suspicious.
  • Zimmerman called 911, and told them the situation.
  • 911 told Zimmerman to stop following Martin.
  • Zimmerman continued to follow Martin eventually confronting Martin.
  • A conflict between Zimmerman and Martin happened. Absolutely no one knows what happened. There is lots of bits of info, but no one knows exactly what happened.

To me this is not about race, absolutely not. To me its about someone who put themselves in power by doing community watch, which is good. He did not murder anyone, but because he was unskilled, a teenager died.

I dont think he deserves to go to jail for the rest of his life, but I don't think he should be able to carry a weapon ever again.
There's a sale on white sheets at Walmart. Ought to get yourself one....

I think you took what I said wrong. I'm not racist, there's plenty of whites that are bad people too, but they don't get the chance to exploit it because they aren't a minority. Minorities have more rights. If there a law being voted on, does the minority win? The whole system is flawed. It's all a product of bad government. It's allowed, and even glorified to be that way.

Lets consider the fact that it isn't racism if it comes from a minority. The fact that a minority kills a white man, its just another murder, but when it's the other way around, it's a hate crime, even though it was self defense. If you don't see the dual standard you're blind.

As far as the white sheets, look at it how you will. I gave my opinion.


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