Went Skydiving!!!

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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
Reaction score
Pacific Junction
This was the most awsome and scariest thing I've ever done!!! I think I know what animal instinct is now, where the fuck am I and how did I get here!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • James Foust Tandem RB 029.jpg
    James Foust Tandem RB 029.jpg
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  • James Foust Tandem RB 080.jpg
    James Foust Tandem RB 080.jpg
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Couple more pics from the freefall.


  • James Foust Tandem RB 067.jpg
    James Foust Tandem RB 067.jpg
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  • James Foust Tandem RB 074.jpg
    James Foust Tandem RB 074.jpg
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Ya, when they opened the door, I was afraid I would fall out. :rofl_200:
It is addictive, right? Next step is to take an AFF (accelerated freefall) course and do it on your own--MUCH more of a rush (besides, tandem is like riding bitch)...then you're ready to jump while in the saddle of your VMax...
is it hard to breath?

when you stick your head out a car window it's usually hard to breath... I imagine jumping out of a plane would be similar?
buy no2 vaporizer
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I've got about 30 or so static line jumps. A little different, only a couple seconds of free fall before you chute opens. Still pretty fun, though. Thanks for sharing!
I do enough dumb shit here on terra firma.....

I do not need to taunt Mr. Murphy while airborne:th_hit:
Yeah I notice your instructor has a big ole grin, but you... Not so Much. LOL!

Didn't you jump right up when you hit the ground and want to do it again?


All The Way Sir!
Yeah I notice your instructor has a big ole grin, but you... Not so Much. LOL!

Noticed the same thing ! LOL
Seems like a blast but I don't have the stones to get
off a perfectly good plane at 10,000 ft. :ummm:
I have rapelled 150ft cliffs, Rapelled out of helicoptors with the green berets, done snatch lifts where they pick you up in a harness with a heli and take you away, but the biggest rush is skydiving hands down. Everyone thinks they will puke.....you can't because every muscle is locked tight. If you have never done it.... DO IT BEFORE YOU DIE. You will never regret it!!!!:punk:
This was the most awsome and scariest thing I've ever done!!! I think I know what animal instinct is now, where the fuck am I and how did I get here!!!!!!!!!!!!

Parachuting is fun! I've done 4 static jumps, haven't done a freefall though. Your next rush should be a bungee jump! That is also fun!! :punk:
That's awesome man. I've always wanted to go. I just don't know when that moment of truth comes, if I would have the guts to jump out of the door. :confused2:
I kind of went on auto pilot when we got ready to stick a leg out, the instructor told me step by step what to do, and what brain function I still had left just told me "do what the man says". I didn't really wake up until the tiny ledge on the tiny plane fell away from my feet, that's when I lost it. Scared as HELL, for about 3 seconds, then I realized there's nothing to do now but enjoy the ride and it was great.

I would do it again as long as other people that I know would do it to, someone to share the exitement with I guess.
yes, AWESOME. I've jumped off a few buildings - controlled fall etc, but been wanting to go skydiving for ever. It will happen some day soon!
I kind of went on auto pilot when we got ready to stick a leg out, the instructor told me step by step what to do, and what brain function I still had left just told me "do what the man says". I didn't really wake up until the tiny ledge on the tiny plane fell away from my feet, that's when I lost it. Scared as HELL, for about 3 seconds, then I realized there's nothing to do now but enjoy the ride and it was great.

I would do it again as long as other people that I know would do it to, someone to share the exitement with I guess.

This is so true! You're saying "why am I jumping out of a perfectly fine plane??" The guy told us "No refunds!" so I said F That and jumped! :biglaugh:
i'd love to try sometime, just haven't had a chance.