My 95 is TOTALED!!!

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Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2011
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I put the bike up for sale the other day because I found a smokin deal on a 09 VMX17 in Arkansas. Thanks Craigslist this guy came out to look at it and possibly buy it. Well we went through everything and covered all the issues so on and so on. Then he wanted to take it for a test ride. I checked his id and told him ok but money in had you drop it you own it. How was I supposed to know that less than 5 minutes later the bike would be sliding 200 feet down the road with out a rider?!?! He told me that he rides his brothers ZX14 all the time so he is used to big bikes that have power. He hit a split sink in the asphalt and the bike got squirrlley on him. It went down HARD! he is ok we got him back to my house bandaged him up and took him to the hospital to get checked out. He possibly has a broken wrist. ankle, elbow and a lot of road rash. Man I feel bad for the guy. This is a picture of the bike
This is the video of the slide


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Ouch! Looking at the lenth of that slide the guy had to have been on it pretty hard. Here's hoping he has a speedy recovery.
Yep, cash in hand or cash in hand or the only other way... CASH IN HAND $
Man I feel bad for the guy and hope that he gets better quick. It reminded me of that Geico commercial.
I feal worse for your Vmax then I do for the guy who lied to you about his skill level.:damn angry: I hope he paid you top doller.

His VMAX now He paid 100% of the asking price, still poor max:damn angry::damn angry: I just got a box of new goodies from Sean in the mail today. Never even got to put them on the bike.
So, sad about the bike, at least it wasn't you!

That idiot was stupid! He's lucky he wasn't killed.
So, sad about the bike, at least it wasn't you!

That idiot was stupid! He's lucky he wasn't killed.
I made him wear my helmet, he turned me down on the leather jacket cause it was too hot to wear it, gloves too. He would have been fine with them and real riding foot wear but sneakers dont hold up well under asphalt..
I feal worse for your Vmax then I do for the guy who lied to you about his skill level. :damn angry: I hope he paid you top doller.
Yep, cash in hand or cash in hand or the only other way... CASH IN HAND $
Ouch! Looking at the lenth of that slide the guy had to have been on it pretty hard.
I would be pissed, but your told him he dropped it he bought it. And like any bad lie it was spotted all but too late. :bang head: I love it when someone tells you that they ride this or that and push comes to shove, you have the someone hurt and a repair bill on a body and a bike. I am sorry to hear about the way he got to find out how much bike he had under him and how much work he gets to do now, after he heals.
Sucks, but cash in hand is the only way to go. Glad he didn't get hurt worse. He owns it to fix when he heals. You never know the skill level of a stranger. Plus, anything can happen. Sounds like low on skill, high on confidence. I won't let my brother ride my bike. He blast down the highway at high speeds, but I don't care for his riding skills. Reckless abandon doesn't make a good rider. I have let some good Vmax friends ride it though.
I had just put the grab rail, rear shocks, radiator, and some other stuff that I got from Texas-SS-tornado on the bike THIS MORNING! I was going to go on a ride with some buddies to Sweetwater on Sunday if the bike didnt sell. OH well huh? Im heading to Arkansas next week to try to close the deal on the 09 1700
Sucks, but cash in hand is the only way to go. Glad he didn't get hurt worse. He owns it to fix when he heals. You never know the skill level of a stranger. Plus, anything can happen. Sounds like low on skill, high on confidence. I won't let my brother ride my bike. He blast down the highway at high speeds, but I don't care for his riding skills. Reckless abandon doesn't make a good rider. I have let some good Vmax friends ride it though.
Im pretty much the same as you when it comes to that Bro. I let my brother ride my 996 once and he brought it back with a busted speedo cable..Laughed and said it was still speeding up when the cable snapped at 140+
That really sucks, I hope you get compensated correctly.
I punched the numbers in the nomogragh. To slide for about 200' (on what appears to be normal traveled asphalt) would have put him about 58-65mph when the bike hit the ground and started its slide.
That really sucks, I hope you get compensated correctly.
I punched the numbers in the nomogragh. To slide for about 200' (on what appears to be normal traveled asphalt) would have put him about 58-65mph when the bike hit the ground and started its slide.

From what the guy that was riding told me he was going into 5th at about 60 I asked him where the rpm's were when he was shifting. He said about 6500 or so.
you did the right thing..... ultimately the bike doesnt look too worse for wear. from the 2 pics anyway...

good luck on the 09.

Tell him you know someone with parts that can fix it up. Glad to hear you sold the bike but sad to hear it was a lesson to the guy learning about the power these bikes make.

When I went to see the bike owned by the FL owner, prior to 'a113ycat' buying it, I rode my FZR1000 over. I had previously bought from him some spare VMax parts he had. He offered me a ride on it. I cam w/my armored mesh jacket, over-the-ankle boots, new helmet, and gloves. He looked at all my gear, and handed me the keys. I took it for about a 10 min. ride, ran it hard through 1-2-3 & then thru 4-5, nailed it in top gear, dropped-down, nailed it in 4, then 3, then pulled-into a pkg lot & tried some L-R transitions, I had already nailed the brakes a few times & felt they were OK. I stopped to turn out onto the highway, made the turn, and nailed itas I turned, getting a nice little rear wheel slide, got straight, then nailed it again and headed back to the owner's house. "No issues, thanks for the ride!" I emailed 'a113ycat,' "all systems go," and he paid the owner. I picked it up one night and delivered it to Captain Kyle & Dave (SpecOps13) the next day in Ft. Myers FL. Too-bad it's wrecked, I felt it was a solid ride.
Real shame the bike got wrecked like it did, and glad the guy will heal up and hopefully be all the wiser next time. My best friend laid my 95 vmax down and totaled it when it was only 4-5 months old. Insurance covered it thankfully.

I've made the mistake once of letting a guy test ride a like new 95 ZX9R back in the late 90's. He dumped it a couple of blocks away from my place while getting on it hard. Then he actually rode it back got off and said sorry bout the bike dude, but I'm not gonna buy it after it was layed down and needs new plastics now.:bang head:

CASH IN HAND before the test ride is a good motto
Not a really nice way to get your money for the Vmax, but decent he didn't pull back from your 'you drop it, you own it' deal with all the distress that goes with it. Hope he can recover himself and the max.
Well that sucks but at least you got your cash. Hope he heels up quickly. The kid that bought the last Max I sold wanted to test ride it & I told him not with out cash in hand. He came back bought the bike & dropped it as soon as he pulled out of my yard. He called me about 4 days ago & told me it had a starting issue so I went by his house to find it had no gas in it & has been dropped a couple more times. Hopefully I am not buying it back for parts in the future.

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