Also having a problem with the "P" circuit on the Ignition wiring diagram(Series E/EC) shows that it runs the Tail light and the Instrument lights and an Auxiliary light..................however, on my bike it only runs the Tail lights and the Auxiliary light I haven't been able to find on the bike in the "On" position turns on the Running lights and Instrument lights as expected..................someone reported back that their Instrument lights and Tail light came on in the "P" position and that matches my drawing however my drawing shows this circuit isolated from the "On" position which turns on all the Running lights as well as the Instrument lights..................which creates the problem that the "P" position can not feed the Tail lights without backfeeding all the Running lights unless there is a steering diode in the picture............there's still something fishy about the circuitry......................the "1990 to 2003 US and Canada models" color crayon drawing shows the "P" position feeding the Front and Rear running lights as well as the Instrument lights..............nobody has reported back on this condition which does not occur on either of my bikes
Still need help in trying to resolve this conflict.....................thanks