haha sounds good danny. do we want to have a 'rain date'? weather is usually nice that time of yr tho, but never knwo about the rain. could make the call the friday before and have a rain date of the following saturday
30 ?, rain, 50 mph winds
what or where is the vmoa ride the weekend befor??? if 19th is no good? got over a 1200 mile run so dont really feel like being in the rain, will have to trailer her home
We have an annual ride around the Niagara Falls area put on by the Ontario VMOA chapters on the 19th. Anyone is welcome to attend so if you live near the border and want to come hang out and ride with us by all means contact Veebooster here on the forum for more information.
Has Veebooster been approached to do an alternate date? Maybe Veebooster has a rain date and this can be used?
My motives are looking shallow, huh?!?
why dont we merge the two rides together unk:, that would be best of both worlds no :ummm:. not trying to rock the boat here just having visions of a sea of max's :rofl_200:
I think it is illegal to have that much horsepower and that many lunatics in one place.........:confused2:
Or it should be:rofl_200:
man would it be funnnnn........:git:
was talking to some saint lawrence guys this weekend as we got together for some beers.
may have some bad news. sergi's opens at like 4pm/5pm they think. we may have to call and see if they'll open a bit early?