1st on the block. Noblamacare in Mo!

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Well its sad to say but only things that are changing in this country is for the worst . People all say the same thing but the real truth of the matter is nobody is willing to act just talk. Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Ragan all have been the same run this country into the ground period. Every day a little more of your freedom is slipping away while your pocket get empty with all the taxes and so called reform ********.
There have been tens of thousands of innocent lives lost to a war that that should have never have happened. We have homeless people in our own country who wonder where their next meal will come from but we are going to monitor the world really?
We have a job crisis where companies are leaving in record numbers down sizing or just plain can not compete with NAFT agreement. I see the jobless and the poor daily I just hang my head in shame . I was once a proud American now I am ashamed for all we have done to our own people and am not as proud as I once was.
Next time you see a homeless or jobless person look at them don't look away then tell me how great of a job we are doing. As our elected officials get fat our poor get poorer.
Yeah I hear your cry of defend the flag but I say ******** nobody has been a threat to us and never has been the only real threat we face is from within period.