a little transformation that has to go

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Still forsale... need to sell asap open to reasonable offers


my cell is 5189373660 if you have any questions
Just flipped over 4400miles
I have a 7 year old son , so I gotta ask , why are you selling your max ? ... First off you will need to ride just for piece of mind , even if its just once a month ! .. And that has nothing to do with being a father , thats just because of everyday life ! ... 2nd , in my 100% honest opinion and I'm sure others on here will agree , kids are so expensive , formula - diapers - clothes & shoes that they outgrow every 2 months , daycare if you both work , and so on , ... That the $5,000 or so your selling your max for isn't even a wisp of a drop in the bucket , so I'm saying , you may very well regret it very - very - very - much & even resent the fact that you sold it and why you did ! ... I love being a father more then anything & I love my son more then anything on earth ! .. Money isn't everything , don't get scared & do something rash , being a good father & a hands on dad is far more important & will last a life time , unlike the $5,000 your selling your max for ! ... I just wrote out all of my bills 2 nights ago & have $6.29 in the bank ! ... I have a couple of hundred in my tool box at work , but three & a half weeks ago I was offered $30,000 for my max & turned it down , my bills are paid ( barely ) and there food on the table , I love my son , my dog & my max & I'm not parting with any of them ! ... If your max makes you happy , its very important that you are happy ! .. Your child can tell ! ... Congratulations and just be there for your child , believe me , they do not care if you have any money in your pocket , they just want your love ! .... Ps. I hear the money thing starts when they are teenagers !

Thanks Cop, you saved ME from saying the same thing lol:biglaugh::eusa_dance:
Yes it is on craigslist and ebay.. I know everyone keeps telling me to keep it but I feel its better to sell it right noq
But at the same time, are you willing to take a bath on the price to sell it NOW? While $4400 is a great price for the bike, you're selling an item that is going out-of-season. Typically the only things that sell out-of-season are "projects", or if they're priced at about 50% or less of the real value.

Think about it another way. It's late March. Snow has just faded out, and you want to sell your snowmobile now the season's over. Problem is-
1. So does everybody else, so the market is flooded. Prices go way down
2. Who's going to buy a snowmobile just in time for 8 months of no snow? The buyer market is very small.

Nobody's going to buy unless there's a tremendous incentive i.e a total bargain price.

Don't sell yourself short. If you're absolutely set on selling the bike, wait until the spring. Then there's loads of people looking to buy bikes, and the smart sellers who held onto their item through the off season to sell for the in-season get top dollar for their stuff, and get it quickly.

How's the interest been in the bike?
or you could sell the kid and keep the bike:rofl_200: na that is a sweet bike tho
your making this hard for me!.............anybody want to buy an EFI system?
Yea I know I don't want to sell it but my deployment got moved up to the beginning of next year and my wife is having our first child soon I just need to take care of a lot before I leave for a year
Bump need to sell by this weekend ... title in hand clean and clear in my name