I have a 7 year old son , so I gotta ask , why are you selling your max ? ... First off you will need to ride just for piece of mind , even if its just once a month ! .. And that has nothing to do with being a father , thats just because of everyday life ! ... 2nd , in my 100% honest opinion and I'm sure others on here will agree , kids are so expensive , formula - diapers - clothes & shoes that they outgrow every 2 months , daycare if you both work , and so on , ... That the $5,000 or so your selling your max for isn't even a wisp of a drop in the bucket , so I'm saying , you may very well regret it very - very - very - much & even resent the fact that you sold it and why you did ! ... I love being a father more then anything & I love my son more then anything on earth ! .. Money isn't everything , don't get scared & do something rash , being a good father & a hands on dad is far more important & will last a life time , unlike the $5,000 your selling your max for ! ... I just wrote out all of my bills 2 nights ago & have $6.29 in the bank ! ... I have a couple of hundred in my tool box at work , but three & a half weeks ago I was offered $30,000 for my max & turned it down , my bills are paid ( barely ) and there food on the table , I love my son , my dog & my max & I'm not parting with any of them ! ... If your max makes you happy , its very important that you are happy ! .. Your child can tell ! ... Congratulations and just be there for your child , believe me , they do not care if you have any money in your pocket , they just want your love ! .... Ps. I hear the money thing starts when they are teenagers !