Am I crazy??

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Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2008
Reaction score
Milton, Ontario Canada
As the title says I am beginning to wonder if I am nuts!!! A fellow Vmaxxer here is having a ride tomorrow and I committed to coming over to his place tonight and riding with them tomorrow. Got up this morning and the temp was a balmy 5 degrees celcius, or 41 F!! Nothing like roaring along at a brisk 75mph, no windshield or fairings, AND a drizzle for over an hour!!!!! Made it to work, and then the sun comes out. The things we do for riding with our friends:rofl_200:
That was the only reason I did it! Otherwise I would have called it off. Am hoping I that I come up with another option before Toxic has to sell.

As you know Jim, the only thing in life that you can depend on is that you can't depend on a ******' thing! Life changes in a heartbeat, pretty much whenever it wants too.

Ride her, enjoy her and wait and see what the end of the day Toxic may very well be right where she is your garage....(or outside work in the parking lot as is the case today!!) :punk:
As you know Jim, the only thing in life that you can depend on is that you can't depend on a ******' thing! Life changes in a heartbeat, pretty much whenever it wants too.

Ride her, enjoy her and wait and see what the end of the day Toxic may very well be right where she is your garage....(or outside work in the parking lot as is the case today!!) :punk:
Bought my lottery tickets this morning:punk:
:rofl_200:Yes..... But that's part of life..... Gotta be crazy sometimes otherwise this world would drive us bonkers.....
There's been quite a few times when selling my bike would have (and still would) make life ALOT easier. But when I think of how much I have vested in it I always find another option. I'm behind on some bills and can't afford a vacation but there's alot of people buried in debt. I love my bike just I'm sure as you do Toxic and even my wife says the bike serves us with more entertainment than we would get by selling it. Your ALWAYS gonna have bills and I refuse to give up something that I put love sweat and years of tears into to give the money from it to some Lawyer or utility company. Do what I do, just forget it as an option and figure something else out. If you sell it it will be the biggest mistake you ever made besides picking the wrong woman. I've done that before too but I learn from my mistakes. I go without alot of things because of my bike but every time I fire it up and ride it I put the thought of selling it at the VERY bottom of the list of things to do. Good luck! Ed✨
There's been quite a few times when selling my bike would have (and still would) make life ALOT easier. But when I think of how much I have vested in it I always find another option. I'm behind on some bills and can't afford a vacation but there's alot of people buried in debt. I love my bike just I'm sure as you do Toxic and even my wife says the bike serves us with more entertainment than we would get by selling it. Your ALWAYS gonna have bills and I refuse to give up something that I put love sweat and years of tears into to give the money from it to some Lawyer or utility company. Do what I do, just forget it as an option and figure something else out. If you sell it it will be the biggest mistake you ever made besides picking the wrong woman. I've done that before too but I learn from my mistakes. I go without alot of things because of my bike but every time I fire it up and ride it I put the thought of selling it at the VERY bottom of the list of things to do. Good luck! Ed✨

Understand exactly what you are saying! Jodi is very upset that I have even thought about selling Toxic let alone posting her up for sale. We are working on several other options right now and will see how things pan out.
There's been quite a few times when selling my bike would have (and still would) make life ALOT easier. But when I think of how much I have vested in it I always find another option. I'm behind on some bills and can't afford a vacation but there's alot of people buried in debt. I love my bike just I'm sure as you do Toxic and even my wife says the bike serves us with more entertainment than we would get by selling it. Your ALWAYS gonna have bills and I refuse to give up something that I put love sweat and years of tears into to give the money from it to some Lawyer or utility company. Do what I do, just forget it as an option and figure something else out. If you sell it it will be the biggest mistake you ever made besides picking the wrong woman. I've done that before too but I learn from my mistakes. I go without alot of things because of my bike but every time I fire it up and ride it I put the thought of selling it at the VERY bottom of the list of things to do. Good luck! Ed✨

Wonderful advice my friend.... In lots of aspects of life.... good advice....
Understand exactly what you are saying! Jodi is very upset that I have even thought about selling Toxic let alone posting her up for sale. We are working on several other options right now and will see how things pan out.

"Jodi" this must be the soon to be Ex :ummm: If that is the case and she is sympathetic for the situation with Toxic. Why oh Why the seperate ways :confused2:.. I just hope the best for both of you. May your higher power shine upon both of you.. :clapping:

No, you're not crazy. Similar weather here in ND and I have already renigged on pickling my max for the year twice in the last 2 or 3 days. :)

On another note. I wish you and the to be ex the best. If things turn out that you have to sell Toxic it will be a shame but do what ya gotta do.
You're definitely not crazy! You are a (The) Vmax rider! You are a non conformist, you will do things your own particular way because it suits YOU!
Grab a ride whenever you can, enjoy it to the fullest in most satifying way possible.
It was forcast to rain here today so I didn't even entertain riding Redbone today as I left for work this morning. As it turned out it was a beautiful day here and I missed it.:bang head:
As the title says I am beginning to wonder if I am nuts!!! A fellow Vmaxxer here is having a ride tomorrow and I committed to coming over to his place tonight and riding with them tomorrow. Got up this morning and the temp was a balmy 5 degrees celcius, or 41 F!! Nothing like roaring along at a brisk 75mph, no windshield or fairings, AND a drizzle for over an hour!!!!! Made it to work, and then the sun comes out. The things we do for riding with our friends:rofl_200:

I was riding with -10' C outside at previous winter :)
A 50km ride - I was frozen like an ice cream :biglaugh:

For me you can ride as far theres no snow or ice on the road.

I am going to stick my neck out on this topic and suggest that if you have bills pertaining to family then toys are a second priority. I was separated for a while and made sure my kids and their mother were taken care of in spite of the animosity that existed. My kids are worth more than all the sweat and tears put into every toy combined.
