An easy mistake.....JAIL!!!!!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2009
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north NY


I live in a border town and it's just known that you don't bring firearms into Canada........but WOW!!!!!

People around here carry guns in their vehicles all the time.......

When the Canada Customs folks find out you have a concealed weapons permit they question you like a criminal.......why do you have a permit....what weapons do you have .........what weapons do you have with you........pull over there please .........

More questions.......vehicle search.......

New York State has some of the toughest gun laws in the US and they say I can have concealed handguns.......

Obviously I am not a criminal........except in Canada if I forget to check the car before I go:damn angry:
I read that article and it made me chuckle.

"Canadians will welcome you and your money when the winter Olympics begin in February. But trying to take something else across the border could land you in jail..."

Yes. Why wouldn't we? They make it sound like that's something strange. We shop in America too. In fact quite a bit.

However - our guns laws are different in our Country. You can't have your guns here. Period. Bottom line. It's the law.

And who forgets a loaded 9mm in their console of their vehicle? Not a responsible gun owner!

The majority of our gun crimes come from guns smuggled in from the united states. it's a simple fact that has bothered Canadians for years. I'm not blaming Americans, as I personally think that your right to bear arms is something you guys need to fight for.

I AM A GUN OWNER here in Canada. I love firearms and I own many of them. Doesn't mean I think I should be able to bring them to another Country when I visit though.
I read that article and it made me chuckle.

"Canadians will welcome you and your money when the winter Olympics begin in February. But trying to take something else across the border could land you in jail..."

Yes. Why wouldn't we? They make it sound like that's something strange. We shop in America too. In fact quite a bit.

However - our guns laws are different in our Country. You can't have your guns here. Period. Bottom line. It's the law.

And who forgets a loaded 9mm in their console of their vehicle? Not a responsible gun owner!

The majority of our gun crimes come from guns smuggled in from the united states. it's a simple fact that has bothered Canadians for years. I'm not blaming Americans, as I personally think that your right to bear arms is something you guys need to fight for.

I AM A GUN OWNER here in Canada. I love firearms and I own many of them. Doesn't mean I think I should be able to bring them to another Country when I visit though.

I won't forget it's there.......

But sometimes going across the border is a spur of the moment thing......

So you just go.....not thinking about the shotgun under the seat or the handgun in the glovebox.....

What if the wife went to the range and left the shooting bag in the trunk.......and I decide to run to the "ballet" with a couple of buddies later that night and I don't search the car......

Ha ha
In fact - all of our "ballet" dancers usually come from Montreal and frequent the local establishments.
Ha ha
In fact - all of our "ballet" dancers usually come from Montreal and frequent the local establishments.

Yup, met one of them in a joint on St Catherine St. once....part of the "Authentic Hawaiian Dancers"!! Turns out her name was Margarite Petrowski, from the Bronx!! :rofl_200:

But my, could that girl dance!! :worthy:
"Ballett"?? :ummm:

Like pointie little slippers, tutu's and limp wristed **** spinning around?? Prolly the last place I'd be looking for a concealed handgun!!!:rofl_200:

The ADULT ballet you dolt!!!!!!:rofl_200::rofl_200:

You are a funny guy:clapping:
It's no different with the southern border into Mexico. They also have laws against bringing guns into thier country, the only difference is you can buy your freedom and possibly your gun back too!
It's no different with the southern border into Mexico. They also have laws against bringing guns into thier country, the only difference is you can buy your freedom and possibly your gun back too!

Tsk, tsk. Drop by and I'll give you some cash to test that theory, Trev.

Read the signs....if you have a gun tell them. They'll gladly turn you around, or take it from you. If they find it...then you have a problem.

Dale #2592
I've been pulled over in routine stops before with handguns in the glove box, just a simple, "Officer, there's a .45 auto in the glove box, I have a CC permit, would you like to see it?", and there's no issue. In fact I don't remember having to even show the permit.

Same thing applies at the US/Can border....just tell them you have it, if they deny you access because of that, which they will, then you go back home...end of story!

Or wait till they find it then say something really intelligent like, "Gee, I forgot I had a loaded .45 auto in the console!" ....then you DON'T get to go home!
I've been pulled over in routine stops before with handguns in the glove box, just a simple, "Officer, there's a .45 auto in the glove box, I have a CC permit, would you like to see it?", and there's no issue. In fact I don't remember having to even show the permit.

Same thing applies at the US/Can border....just tell them you have it, if they deny you access because of that, which they will, then you go back home...end of story!

Or wait till they find it then say something really intelligent like, "Gee, I forgot I had a loaded .45 auto in the console!" ....then you DON'T get to go home!

What about my "shooting bag in the trunk" scenario??

I have personally never had a problem.......they just ask a LOT of questions.....and I usually get pulled in for a search......

The fact that I have a permit seems to be of particular interest to them though:confused2:
The real issue is that it's Canadian law - and they aren't concerned with ANY scenario in which prohibited firearms enter the country. It's simply the law.

I am a proud gun owner and jump through the hoops required by our law. The only time you can actually even transport a hand gun in Canada is to and from a shooting range. You need the proper license to own the hand gun - and then you need to get a permit to transport the hand gun.

Long guns are a different matter. Much more relaxed.

Basically - the only place Canadians are even allowed a hand gun is on a shooting range - after you have jumped through tonnes of hoops.

I am surprised they still allow anyone to own them, the way our guns laws are already.

And the reason having a permit would be of concern is because of the scenarios you just mentioned.

I am very pro-American, however, a sad fact is that an overwhelming majority of our gun crime comes from firearms smuggled in from the USA.

I'll give you this example: Here in Canada we need to register our firearms in a government registry. This "registry" was intended to help out with gun crimes (because we all know criminals will REGISTER THEIR GLOCKS) - thus far it has simply wasted millions and millions of tax dollars and prevented absolutely nothing. All it has done is actually give criminals a shopping list of where guns are located - as the list was compromised.
What about my "shooting bag in the trunk" scenario??

I have personally never had a problem.......they just ask a LOT of questions.....and I usually get pulled in for a search......

The fact that I have a permit seems to be of particular interest to them though:confused2:

Do they let you in with the gear in the trunk?
I've gone back and forth to Canada at the Massena crossing several times with my University band (we play at hockey games in Morrisburg and Cornwall pretty often). Every time there are a lot of large drum cases in the back of my truck, as well as lots of instrument cases. Typically it's just the standard questions...where are you going....for how long....for what purpose and then a wave through. Only once did they even ask about all the cases in the back, I told them band instruments, and they left it at that. Never been "asked to pull over there" or had the vehicle searched. Not that there's anything in my truck that would be of interest, but still.
Do they let you in with the gear in the trunk?

They tend to search the vehicle fairly thoroughly.....

I have never attempted to cross with a firearm.....

I was just pointing out a scenario where there could be one that I didn't know about:confused2:
They tend to search the vehicle fairly thoroughly.....

I have never attempted to cross with a firearm.....

I was just pointing out a scenario where there could be one that I didn't know about:confused2:

I guess it would be in your best interests to not have a memory lapse concerning international border crossings, and personal protection weapons!!

I wonder, just in case....maybe we should set up a co-ownership chain of title on your v know, just in case!!! :confused2:
