Take our guns away, By Bill Moore
You kick and you scream until your red in the face,
You would remove all the guns from this hollowed place.
It is the home of the free and the land of the brave,
But you would take our guns and make us all slaves.
You think the world is great in your complacent little minds,
You better turn on the news again from time to time.
People die horrible deaths nearly every day,
Their deaths could have been prevented in nearly every way.
An armed guard in a school with all those little kids,
Could have stopped Adam Lanza from doing those things he did.
You blame the NRA and blame everyone around,
You even blame the people who reside in the city of Newtown.
You point the blame at the NRA and a finger at Wayne LaPierre,
You aim and shoot emotional blame constantly everywhere.
We are sick of your over reactive complaining and all of your cries,
Where was all that emotion the day an American soldier dies?
They protect your freedoms which shall not be infringed,
Despite what ridiculous state of mind your acting in.
Crying and complaining never gets anything done,
The only thing that can stop a killer is an American with a gun.
So dry your tears and toughen up but do not be discouraged,
There’s always men out there who aren’t afraid to show they have courage.
Head these words and put your pointing fingers away,
I hate to break it to you but our guns are here to stay.
Guns keep us safe, for this we know is true,
As long as we have guns we will keep the red white and blue. :worthy: