Miles Long
Well-Known Member
Regardless of who gets elected.......can you still arrange The Donald's wife to be First Lady??:biglaugh:
Trump is the best solution.
Get er done is the answer.
Trump is the peoples choice.
If they really think he will back down and fade away they are seriously mentally stuck in la la socialist land.
1. Do you trust him to do as he says, do you believe him to have personal integrity?
2. Do you believe there is no other agenda or motivation up his sleeve, media stunt or does he really feel he can do this job in the best interest of America?
3. When he speaks, does he set off red flags or make you apprehensive?
4. How will his crass and uncouth nature effect relations with other countries? with the American public?
5. He has some obvious opposition in all areas of WA, so will he even be allowed to do stuff or will he be roadblocked like the current president?
6. How will his poorly formulated remarks effect female and minority voters and can he overcome it in the poles?
7. Generally, how do you feel about candidates that express religious conviction.
BECAUSE you're in FL , you should vote early AND often...:biglaugh:
Regardless of who gets elected.......can you still arrange The Donald's wife to be First Lady??:biglaugh:
... and it's O.K. to keep voting from the grave. :ummm:
Miles comes up with another capital idea!! I'm all for it!! :clapping:
On the 'candidates'....I think you're gonna see The Donald start making more sense as the elections approach......this man is not the baffoon some people want to believe he is. :hmmm:
BECAUSE you're in FL , you should vote early AND often...:biglaugh:
Less than 500 votes decided the vote in FL back then. I've been in the EOC (Emergency Operations Center) in Palm Beach County where they did the recount there. This is going to be an interesting time until the Nov. 2016 ballot.
This next pic has nothing to do with the 2000 election, I just thought it was an interesting mug shot of someone who was the son of a US admiral.
![]() I hope trump get's it,But i believe the political system is a wreck,and corrupt as hell.I also voted for ross perot ,Who said we were going to hell in a handbasket,which is where we are now.I keep a lil hope,Guess we will see.
Foremost i believe the rest of the world would give Trump respect, especially China, N Korea, Iran, and Russia.
I think trying to dissect Trump for just America isn't the most important issue, its all our enemies abroad, the ones that say are allies and of course the ones that should be. THAT is the issue, world respect.
Wholeheartedly I agree with the first lady thing. Trump is punching above his weight class with her....although billions of dollars tends to make a man very attractive.
On his candidacy I haven't made up my mind up yet. On another forum it was stated that Trump yells at the top of his lungs what all of the other candidates whisper in back rooms and what the American citizens have known for far too long.
He is brash, argumentative, and generally unfiltered. You can tell in his town hall speeches are not heavily scripted. His comments have not been tested to see which ones poll better or what is less offensive to some PC crybaby. He is off the cuff, and seems genuine. When asked about his bankruptcies during the debate, he didn't deflect, he answered the question straight and didn't try to sugar coat or dance around the topic.
I can't answer what is in his heart, but right now Trump is the guy with his finger on the pulse of conservative America. He says what we think, he does not beat around the bush, and if he attempts to live up to those statements, he will take the conservative vote by a landslide.
Personally I have had it with the political class, regardless of party.
I don't agree with the Democrats as a whole and the Republicans are without leadership, direction, conviction, or accomplishment.
Maybe it is time for a non politician.
+ 1 & I also hate that people keep throwing abortion & gay crap in there to. I could care less what them people do as long as were not paying for it. I cant say I agree with it all but we need to concentrate on more important things & quit getting sidetracked with BS