Another reason you might want to vote for Trump

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I do hope trump get's it,He may go down just like ross perot,Just don't know.America is desperate for someone worth a ****,If he can do half of what he said we will all be better for it,Gonna vote damn skippy republican independent whatever.There is no other choice,Divide and conquer that's what is happening.obama dosen't give a **** about this country never did.wall st rules the show.our present government don't give a flying ****,gonna have to get rid of a lot more than obama.any of those other pieces of **** get in were just like we are now!bend over uncle sam want's your ass.
If Biden gets in the race , can he pick Bo as his VP ? If so , has anybody thought about the consequences of a Dem win with those two in charge for 4 , possibly 8 more years ?
If Biden gets in the race , can he pick Bo as his VP ? If so , has anybody thought about the consequences of a Dem win with those two in charge for 4 , possibly 8 more years ?

Yes, I think so - a movie producer thought about it many years ago - the movie was called "the day the Earth stood still", and the aliens came to blow up the Earth because humans proved we were worthless to the rest of the galaxy. lol
Awww Biden....the man with a complete grasp of reality!

-As he said to the bereaved dad who's deceased sons body received a hero's welcome at the airport...."did your boy always have balls this big?"....classy remark!

-Biden on home invasion...."get a 12 gauge shotgun, if someone comes in your house step out on the balcony and fire off a couple rounds...."! we all have secret service agents outside....or that we all even have a balcony!

Short answer Rollie....the country won't survive another round with those idiots and it's still up in the air whether we'll even survive this round....:confused2: