Another reason you might want to vote for Trump

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**** NO.
I am not voting for someone who can't articulate a sentence without contradicting his own statement. I mean listen to this guy:

"I don't hate, no, I really do, I don't hate anyone...well except for (X)... but no I really don't hate anyone"

I remember when Trump built his apartments in NY, right next to another established apartment. This is from Trumps mouth during an interview:

"Yes the occupants of the other building were complaining that I was building too close to their building and window view, but hey 6" is the legal limit that I am allowed to build next to an existing structure"

Guess who afforded the lobbyist to petition that rule?

Oh and: Washington, D.C. *A New Jersey court today ruled a state agency cannot condemn widow Vera Coking's home of 37 years and give it to Donald Trump for his private development.
He's built an empire and a well known one at that. His name is everywhere and he's thoughts are with people like us in mind. He sees the real economic problems and he's no dumb ass. When talking about trump, we are concerned about politics not his buildings or his spat with neighboring buildings. We want to hear economic development and problem solving plans to make our country stronger and less vulnerable to being ripped off by illegal immigrants, that alone will save tax payers billions alone. Just saying. Better then another follower, or a foreign Obama, at least he is ready to address real issues.

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Trump got to where he is, without a conscious. The man is a monster and will sell his own mother if it got him the presidential seat.

If people think that illegal immigration is a problem and needs to be resolved, then they need to answer the question. What are they going to do when the price of vegetables is more than the price of meat.

Enough of the left argued for a rise in minimum wage...for McDonald's employees. Something that Trump agrees. Why? Because he will sway to which ever direction that a pocket of voters have belief in.

This man talks about the bible as if he has ever read it. Yea, he's read the bible alright, right up to..."and on the 7th day he rested" . This man with throw out any caveat of social jargon into the public spotlight as if to dignify himself as one of us.

Seriously though, people need to take a moment and listen, just for a minute to this man's speeches. He will never give a solid answer to a question, only to contradict one's own statements, draws a very fine line to a schizophrenic disorder.
Seriously though, people need to take a moment and listen, just for a minute to this man's speeches. He will never give a solid answer to a question, only to contradict one's own statements, draws a very fine line to a schizophrenic disorder.

I was starting to think I was the only one that was seeing this. I don't want to be negative about people struggling with mental illness but I can assure you beyond any doubt he has some real problems. He is smart enough to do some significant damage before impeachment in an alternative reality where he could possibly win.
Time for a big change cleanout congress cleanout the white house ! Stop the business as usual the backroom handshakes and the the insider trading and all the ******** these ******* idiots think they're entitled too .. I don't care if Trumpy can speak I bet he can steer a ship and make some tuff cuts where needed to save me and you some tax money TIME FOR A CHANGE and will grow my own vegie's and pick them myself .
Time for a big change cleanout congress cleanout the white house ! Stop the business as usual the backroom handshakes and the the insider trading and all the ******** these ******* idiots think they're entitled too .. I don't care if Trumpy can speak I bet he can steer a ship and make some tuff cuts where needed to save me and you some tax money TIME FOR A CHANGE and will grow my own vegie's and pick them myself .

+1, I already do grow. And my grandparents did it in the great depression with 11 kids. I'm sick of big Gov't. Entitlement packages to the lazy, drug using, and wasteful . Dirt and seed distribution sounds better. Sit on the steps and watch your kale grow instead of waiting for the free check and food stamp card. There are markets all over the cities that give illegal cash pay outs on food stamp cards. The drug dealer is waiting out side the market. Maybe grow poppies instead of food stamps.
On on a rant, I know.
If i was applying for a job as such as to what i have been doing most of my life which is heavy equipment and there were companies with job openings and each company was being run by the current candidates such as Trump, Clinton, Bush, Cruz and even Biden its obvious to me to get on with the team of a successful outfit, one that praises and treats its employees properly, that they are happy and that they have respect for that company.

Sure lets go work for a Bush company, i mean if you don't you will be branded as un American.
Or lets go to work for the Hillary company, but you better be prepared for disaster, being laid off, discarded, abused or killed by incompetence.
Or get hired by the Biden outfit, you have to conform, all your life will be monitored, you will have an embedded rfid chip for tracking, all wages will be equal regardless of tenure, a perfect socialist opportunity.

Trump corporation and its team is successful, they are happy, they are rewarded for their efforts, i have read reviews of Trump resorts, always the highest ratings. And its because its well run.

I doubt i will post any more about Trump because its done and said, there is no perfect candidate and we don't want a king over the kingdom, its for 4 years, maybe 8. I'll take the risk cause its a good gut feeling.
Its about time to get a competant leader, not another puppet.
Time for a big change cleanout congress cleanout the white house ! Stop the business as usual the backroom handshakes and the the insider trading and all the ******** these ******* idiots think they're entitled too .. I don't care if Trumpy can speak I bet he can steer a ship and make some tuff cuts where needed to save me and you some tax money TIME FOR A CHANGE and will grow my own vegie's and pick them myself .

I agree with so much of what you just said, WA is ******* us over and over. I feel and share your rage over this. Govt gets bigger, greedier and more intrusive all the time while it gets harder to get by without going into debt. We'll go hungry paying to keep all these lazy/illegal/breeding motherfuckers from having to do anything other than crank out kids they cant afford. I would vote for Adam Carolla before anyone currently running.

Have you ever been 17 and told a hot girl you love her and would never leave her just to get at that succulent little peach? Told her she was different than all the other ordinary girls and you would love her forever, just to get her panties hanging off her left ankle in the back seat of your beat up Torino GT. You may even believe that yourself with all the hormones raging and coursing through your veins. She will believe what she wants to believe, even if on a cognitive level she knows better. She heard your well crafted words and bought in, but hours later once you empty the contents of your balls into her a couple times your more concerned with where you can drop her off than anything else. In this campaign, we are that girl, once we believe what we want to believe, once we buy his promises and let him **** us we'll see that things are not what they seem, we will wonder how we could have been so blind, and it will be to late.

I agree with Silver, there is nothing more to say. We'll all vote according to what we feel is best for the country. No matter what we do its a crap shoot. The change many of us are hoping for does not come with elections, it comes with revolution.
He is smart enough to do some significant damage before impeachment in an alternative reality where he could possibly win.


Damage to us, yes. Damage to him, nope. He'll make another fortune, and his defense is; "but why would I do anything like that, I already have billions"...but hey, whats another billion more?
The KKK and the American Nazi Party supports Trump. If you support Trump you have some strange bedfellows. just saying.
Way to cherry-pick, David. There are a total of EIGHT groups in the US with the word "Socialist" in their name, along with the Green Party, Peace and Freedom Party & Labor Party, all of whom support Hillary. Do you really think any of them, or the KKK or Nazi Party for that matter, will have any bearing on the election? If there were a Libertarian running who had a snowball's chance, I would vote for him (or her) in a heartbeat. As it stands I will vote for anyone EXCEPT Hillary.
The KKK and the American Nazi Party supports Trump. If you support Trump you have some strange bedfellows. just saying.

You strike me as a little peculiar Dave..,you just seem to have a confrontational view of most things...I could be wrong...seems like your way of thinking is along the party lines of those L-word types that know whats best for everyone...if I'm wrong I apologize...if I'm not , then...
The KKK and the American Nazi Party supports Trump. If you support Trump you have some strange bedfellows. just saying.

He certainly didn't go after their votes , as opposed to the Hildebeast , who most certainly didn't turn down and asked or demanded contributions to her " foundation " , while holding the very high and supposedly secure office of secretary of state of the United States , from many Islamic countries , who not only promote terrorism and practice corruption , but also degrade and keep down their women . Talk about strange bedfellows. You hate women also Dave ? Still beat your wife ?
You strike me as a little peculiar Dave..,you just seem to have a confrontational view of most things...I could be wrong...seems like your way of thinking is along the party lines of those L-word types that know whats best for everyone...if I'm wrong I apologize...if I'm not , then...

didn't you read where I said I liked trump? Likely not for the same reasons as many others. He has the entire Republican field confused. They don't know how to handle him or get any media coverage. Hilary and Bernie can't get much coverage either. The news is all about Trump. I think what one of the big questions is; will Trump's seeming popularity actually translate into votes in the general election if he wins the republican nomination? People go to see him, granted, but some of that is entertainment interest. How much?
Who knows? I have read many times by people that know about this stuff way better than I, that if Trump wins the primary, it will be the end of the Republican Party. I would argue your point that liberals know what is best for everyone. I don't see it at all. Maybe the L word is used too easily to shut off the brain from solutions to problems. If you were 20 miles out to sea in your fishing boat and the engine stop running would you only entertain conservative fixes? Of course not, that would be absurd. So why look at problems in the U.S. as liberal versus conservative? Wouldn't it be wiser to just fix the problems? Or is ideology so important as to let the boat sink?
Trump refuses to lay out a detailed step by step plan for recovery, which means no media orgasmtistic talking head shows, he won't make promises just for votes, he makes promises for problems.
Too many years of lies, false promises has burnt America, and especially the socialist conversion.
The KKK and the American Nazi Party supports Trump. If you support Trump you have some strange bedfellows. just saying.

Both organizations have become quite insignificant in 2015,Dave. You can't chose who likes you and who doesn't. I don't think either organization can swing popular vote. The great big American labor party has been influential in the past. And, they have as many skeletons in the closet as anyone. Not that I support the KKK or the Nazi's. I'll listen to what most have to say.As long as it's not Hillery. Just my two cents.