Are we facing the next great depression?

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two words: progressive regression,and were ALL to blame !
Geeez i had to look that up!Believe i got the meaning.Believe we all have been in trained.By mainstream media.Remember the riots in the 60s and early 70s.Vietnam was killing troops our familys,lots of troops died needlessly,And a lot of hell was raised.Now eveyone is complacent.Life is lived at a much faster pace.Tempers are shorter.patience is limited.People now have to work twice as hard to have what was in the 60s.Houses cars grub ect.Inflation.Who is causing that.The best way to defeat a enemeny Group is to have them turn on one another,Thats what there doing.There alot of meanings and conditions for the term.Progressive regression.I see it like a abused dog that is now cowardly.Like a lot of people in our country.We are all to blame?Like i said i believe it's poured into us coutrsy of mainstream media.Its getting late had a busy sunday ,Hope i made a lil sense.Goodnight to all.poppop.
Correct that everyone is to blame, and the only way to fix it is for EVERYONE to get involved. How?...when you go to the store, look at the products you buy and BUY AMERICAN MADE PRODUCTS when possible. They may cost a little more, but you are keeping your money here and not sending it to CHINA. If American made is not available, then buy products from any Democratic governed nation. My $.02 deposited!
Don't think Obama is going to need that course of action. He is so good at promising things in his speeches that will never materialize, he's stolen the limelight completely after the DNC. He's promised so much free stuff to everyone, I think he's gonna run away with the Election. America as we know it is Toast.:sad2::bang head: Land of Freebies for All and Home to Interment Camps for Vets...:confused2:USSA

I'm voting against him because I still can.
+ 1 people here the word free & think its all good. Nothing is free the money is coming from somewhere more taxes.etc or from working people to the people that dont want to work. We dont have this money eventually the goverment is gonna run out of othere peoples money.
You know what would fix everything??? PRINT TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS & pay off debts . Oh & send me a bag of 100's LMAO
You know what would fix everything??? PRINT TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS & pay off debts . Oh & send me a bag of 100's LMAO
LOL ! I think instead of all the bailouts they should have distributed all that money to the tax paying citizens & they could have paid there cars,houses etc off & got the econemy rolling again.

Jesus Christ you need a tinfoil hat just to open that link. If you believe a word of this garbage I don't know what to tell you besides I'd much rather ride with you then get your opinion on politics.

I was at this KGB dinner party and they said they would get a KGB op elected as U.S. President. :rofl_200: I just didn't think it was important to mention this until well after it happened? Also elections are just a formality. You simply have to wave your KGB card at people and say 'You will elect me' and it's like Obi-Wan in Star Wars. All of the U.S. investigation and military resources just don't work anymore after that.
I think if you look at the whole picture of BO doing the things he has done to the country , intentionally , where he came from , who he has spent his time with , where the communists have gone since the cold war ended , you could make an good argument for a takeover , as this site has done. Hitler took a similar approach in the late 30s.
I'm officially bailing on this thread. I leave it with this. There are plenty of things to take issue with regarding Obama. Like any of his 83 broken campaign promises if you were a supporter, or his agendas that he got elected on and kept if you were against.

There are loads of things to take legit issue with regarding any administration. Please do so! It makes for a more informed population and therefor a better election year. Pandering completely baseless conspiracy theories on the other hand, does no good for anything but advertisers banking on people buying complete ********.
I think if you look at the whole picture of BO doing the things he has done to the country , intentionally , where he came from , who he has spent his time with , where the communists have gone since the cold war ended , you could make an good argument for a takeover , as this site has done. Hitler took a similar approach in the late 30s.
Need the like button again !
By progressive regression I meant that in the future,municipalities would'nt be able to maintain their roads,(keep pace with storm damage} mail service will be cut back(as it prolly shoud be),everyone will carrie a gun cause some ******* is going to think He's intittled to what YOU worked for.Assisted suicide will be a accecpeted "treatment" against the cost of aging.

I could go on and on,but its all just oppinion, I'm not an educated man nor a church every sunday kinda guy,just a man that knows were not the god fearing America watching out for our neighbors that we used to be.

My self,Im trying to slow down (not literally) and think before I act,to do what I can to make not only my familys life better, but maybe the kid in the next town overs too, that just opened a machine shop, so instead of having my gen II HWB's made in china and making big profits I'll give the work to him and put less in my pocket but more in my country!
Thank you all.We all see it happing and we all care.We all care about america.You guys are just the best.We are all entiteled to our opinion.Long as we take care of the ones we love.Do the right thing.What is wrong with that.A couple of winters ago there was a old couple from ny.Had a flat just off I-40,They were just scared,I changed there tire and away they went.But before they pulled away.The older guy said Thank you son i didn't think people did stuff like that anymore,God bless you .95% of you would have done the same excact thing.Ive been around you all for a lil over 3 years.Never when i needed help Was i dissapointed.If it comes down To it we all rise.We are brothers.
Better to have and not need then to need and not have,,,that's all I am saying,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Confucius say Man who go to bed wif itchy ass wake up wif stinky finger,,,lol ,,,Fists to the wind my brothers !!!

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