I just spent everything in my piggy bank to purchase my third, and hopefully last Vmax right before Christmas last year. It is the best Christmas present I ever bought myself, even though I knew it had some electrical issues. The week between Christmas and New Years Day, I bought a '01 to '07 service manual for it and began to read. But it did not answer many of my technical questions, and the electrical schematic was just too small for these old eyes.
So, I went on a quest to gain information from the net. That's when I found this forum. I have to tell you that after spending a day reading what members have said, and the help and respect you all show each other, I felt like I really wanted to become part of this international community. I had no idea there was a place like this, where I could talk to other like-minded Vmax enthusiasts. So, I joined.
Because I am now on a retiree's fixed income, I really do have to watch where I put my digressionary money. But this forum was a "no brainer" for me.
That said I chose to invest my money where I can get the biggest bang for my buck, supporting an organization that could be a role model for other forums.
Having been a member for a little less than a month, this forum has already given me way more than my annual subscription fee. The knowledge, expertise, and advice is free flowing on this forum, and I look forward contributing as I can. I expect I will want to renew my membership every year for as long as I own my Max, which I hope will continue to run like the banshee he is and bring me much exhilaration and many smiles over the rest of my life.
Special thanks to CaptainKyle, for helping me out with some great used parts, that I really need and could not find, and at a most reasonable price. You have exceeded my expectations. Long Live the Vmax Forum!