Well-Known Member
So I was out about two weeks ago for a nice first ride of the season with my best friend. We were out a few hours and the bike ran as good as it has been so far this year. It typically was idling on three cylinders and I have been debating taking it into a shop to have it worked on. But last week I went out to take it for a quick ride and it wouldn't start. Just kept cranking and cranking and nothing. So I thought hmmm let me try jumping it. Still nothing. I left it alone for a little while because I just havent had time to fool with it and went out tonight to try and get it running. I went through and checked each spark plug one at a time for spark and checked the gap looked to see if they were fouled up. Seemed fine for used spark plugs they all had good spark. So no problems there. I fiddled around and noticed a pretty beat up ground wire so I replaced it thinking maybe it was the culprit. checked some of the connections around the battery to make sure all looks well there. After all that went to try starting it in hopes of going for a short night ride and still no go. It cranked and cranked and the only positive thing I got was a really weak pop like it tried to fire up just for a split second but pretty much nothing. What the hell is up with my bike? The only thing I did was run a little seafoam in hopes of getting the idle to straighten up. Is it possible I knocked loose some big gunk and now everythings clogged in the carb? Im contemplating doing the pea shooter and shotgun next. But I'm worried if I just keep tinkering without actually knowing whats happened I might compound my problem. Any advice?