Built a DOS 6.22/W3.11 pc out of a PIII 550 today...

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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2008
Reaction score
Southwest USA, 5700ft Elevation
Oh... the memories....

Windows 3.11 loads in about 2 seconds on this PIII 550. Dug out all the old DOS games, DoomCAD, etc..... trip down memory lane...

AND, ...... I can access my thumb drives through DOS also... now that's cool....
Don't you have to restart Win 3.1 in DOS mode to play games? And mess with extended/expanded memory depending on game? Geesh, don't miss that....or setting motherboard jumpers.
Oh... the memories....

Windows 3.11 loads in about 2 seconds on this PIII 550. Dug out all the old DOS games, DoomCAD, etc..... trip down memory lane...

AND, ...... I can access my thumb drives through DOS also... now that's cool....

and think of all that ascii porn you can look at ( . ) Y ( . ) :rofl_200:

I was tempted to do that, I have parts to put together a P4. I was going to load up DOS on it so I could play my old Stonkeep game. I found a good XP dos emulator instead.

So it looks like the parts box will go in the garage and store my repair manuals. I have a wireless network in my house so it will prolly serve as internet radio as well. In the interior of Alaska we don't get sat radio, in the lower portion of the state you can real it in. so internet radion is about the second best thing.
and think of all that ascii porn you can look at ( . ) Y ( . ) :rofl_200:

I was tempted to do that, I have parts to put together a P4. I was going to load up DOS on it so I could play my old Stonkeep game. I found a good XP dos emulator instead.

So it looks like the parts box will go in the garage and store my repair manuals. I have a wireless network in my house so it will prolly serve as internet radio as well. In the interior of Alaska we don't get sat radio, in the lower portion of the state you can real it in. so internet radion is about the second best thing.

Sadly, the ASCII porn can never out-do Redbone's collection! (vbg) j/k

What emulator? The ones I've tried always lag. Virrtual Machines are cool but I get the same problem.
I remember having to tweak the crap out of the memory blocks just to get the dos version of Nascar racing to run. And what fun it was getting a soundblaster to work too. Ahh the good 'ol days! :eusa_dance:
I remember having to tweak the crap out of the memory blocks just to get the dos version of Nascar racing to run. And what fun it was getting a soundblaster to work too. Ahh the good 'ol days! :eusa_dance:

Yes..... and SoundBlaster is still the best IMO... I found some DOS drivers for it and it is a PCI card.

I have DosBox. But because I have too many junk PCs as it is, I just figured I'd totally convert one. I even have some complete backups from like 1994 that I could restore. (parallel IDE tape drive/tapes)

I saw some stuff out there where someone had a DOS based web browser or something. I know they have MP3 players too... hilarious...
I set up Microsofts virtual PC software and installed 3.11 as one of the operating systems. What a blast from the past. I am not sure I really miss it. The cool part about virtual PC is it emulates everything, no setting up the mouse!
My pops still has a Commodore 64....great games. Even has a Collecovision, Intellevision and Atari 7800.