I have full voo doo exhaust morleys jet kit. when i fire the bike up im smelling gas and or alot of exhaust fumes. what should I check? the a/f are 3 turns out and bike runs strong just hate the strong gas smell..
Yep....it should be the stage 7 needles.....that's what Sean uses in his kit. I would also have the needles 2-3 clip from the blunt end. Try it in the 3rd clip first....and if it runs OK. .. then move it to the 2nd clip. A vmax really likes to run lean. Asher C made his best hp. ..126....with 150s and the needles at 2.5 from the blunt end. He is between 600 and 700 elevation.Try the stock 152.5 mains. Stage 7 needles?