CCW on Motorcycles

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Dec 12, 2011
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Lawton, OK
There have been several posts on here at 2nd amendment rights, and home defense. Do you really need 30 rounds VS 12 gauge shotgun...etc.

How does everyone feel about CCW for when your on the motorcycle? There are some people on here that take trips to some pretty isolated places.

I know several people that carry when they are on the bike. Me personally I am for it, but curious what everyone else thinks.

My own personal history, taken Karate, and a bit of Kali and Wing chun for over 10 years. I thoroughly believe that people need the ability to defend themselves if they get into a bad situation.

My wife has her CC and rides in some pretty remote places ( we are in ND ) on her dual sport. She carries if she is going exploring alone. I have yet to get my CC.
CCW when on my motorcycle and any other means of transportation, I never leave home without my handgun in my pocket.
There have been several posts on here at 2nd amendment rights, and home defense. Do you really need 30 rounds VS 12 gauge shotgun...etc.

How does everyone feel about CCW for when your on the motorcycle? There are some people on here that take trips to some pretty isolated places.

I know several people that carry when they are on the bike. Me personally I am for it, but curious what everyone else thinks.

My own personal history, taken Karate, and a bit of Kali and Wing chun for over 10 years. I thoroughly believe that people need the ability to defend themselves if they get into a bad situation.


It's the 'slippery slope' thing.....and once it starts, it's NOT going to stop! Magazine capacity this time around....something else next time, and the next, and the next.

NEED 30 rds.?....probly not but that really isn't the issue.

Sometimes I carry when I'm riding and sometimes I don't....:confused2:
The odds of running into a problem in this part of the country are pretty slim....but there are bad folks roaming all over the place and there is a chance of crossing paths with one.....I've often wondered if I should carry more often....
Not a firearm owner myself, but most of my friends are and carry at all times, I'm all for it!........................Tom.
Personally it depends on my destination even though I know I should always carry I find myself not wanting to have to worry about the added weight/bulk/etc and respecting local laws (ie: firearms in drinking establishments). If I am headed to a less than desirable part of town then I will always have something on me.
I carry ALL the time. The day I don't will undoubtably be the day I need it! Can't really judge where you might need it so I come prepared . . .
It feels good to know Chuck has us covered a Tom.
I believe you need how ever many rounds the Fed's that are coming ot take your guns have.

2nd Amendment is about an armed citizenry being unable to be trampled on by it's own gov't. That's Why the Constitution wouldn't have been ratified in the first place without the original 10 Amendments. These people were SCARED of ever living under an omnipotent and tyranical gov't.

I've wondered about carrying on the bike. In Texas you can carry in your vehicle without a CHL, the gun just cannot be in plain view. No restrictions on where it is or ammunition state.
I think you're ok with it on your body or in a tank bag.

But the minute you step off the bike while carrying it on your person, if you don't have a CHL then you're illegally carrying.

I use to carry in a tank bag. Now that I have that fancy tank cover and expensive paint job I do not and haven't figured out how to resolve that without getting my CHL. Which I don't want to do really, becoming a blip on thier screen.
I carry except when I go on a group ride (with a bunch of hooligans). Reason? I figure we will end up in a bar... or three.
Never leave the house unarmed, no matter where I'm going- If it's illegal to carry where I'm headed, I don't go there-simple as that!
My Wife and I are fully armed with atleast 1 Handgun each, 24/7/365. Unless we go to a School, Courthouse or Etc. My Family Doctor even understands. He's a believer too....

Especially when we're on a Bike.......

I've had as many as 7 Handguns on me when interviewed by the Cops outside a bar. They ask why I need so many guns and I told them I was outside the bar, the other gun owners weren't...:rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200:
My Wife and I are fully armed with atleast 1 Handgun each, 24/7/365. Unless we go to a School, Courthouse or Etc. My Family Doctor even understands. He's a believer too....

Especially when we're on a Bike.......

I've had as many as 7 Handguns on me when interviewed by the Cops outside a bar. They ask why I need so many guns and I told them I was outside the bar, the other gun owners weren't...:rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200:

LOL...I like the way you think...
There have been several posts on here at 2nd amendment rights, and home defense. Do you really need 30 rounds VS 12 gauge shotgun...etc.

How does everyone feel about CCW for when your on the motorcycle? There are some people on here that take trips to some pretty isolated places.

I know several people that carry when they are on the bike. Me personally I am for it, but curious what everyone else thinks.

My own personal history, taken Karate, and a bit of Kali and Wing chun for over 10 years. I thoroughly believe that people need the ability to defend themselves if they get into a bad situation.

In Illinois we have been ordered by the government to submit to the attacks of those that wish to kill or hurt us. They have explained we are not capable of protecting ourselves and family, and that only the politicians and police should have guns. As such, I am commited to being killed for my valuables when confronted by the criminals here.
i am on the fence about this situation...but not as you might think. I am always armed...but when i ride i open carry on my thigh...and put it in my pocket when i get into one of the 6 cities in my state that dont allow open carry...i feel no need to hide mine...when i ride to the range i usually have my sig p220 carry on my thigh and my ar and my 308 crossed accross my back and a bag of shells strapped on the back
I with everyone else. If you are going to carry then get in the habit of always carrying. You will never see trouble coming but when it does you will be glad you are ready for it.
I generally carry whenever I head out of the house. I have my LTCF (in PA, we don't have a CCW) and putting on my sidearm is like putting my wallet in my pocket.

The one thing I am always aware of is where my destination might take me. I live pretty close to the NJ state line so even an unintentional jaunt over the line into the PRNJ while carrying would open me up to felony charges.
I generally carry whenever I head out of the house. I have my LTCF (in PA, we don't have a CCW) and putting on my sidearm is like putting my wallet in my pocket.

The one thing I am always aware of is where my destination might take me. I live pretty close to the NJ state line so even an unintentional jaunt over the line into the PRNJ while carrying would open me up to felony charges.

Can you explain to me how carrying a gun increases your freedom.
i dont know if it increases....but it is flexing our rights as free people. It also gives you the piece of mind that if something happens that you have a fighting chance. I dont really understand why people are against me having a gun in my pocket or on my hip really taking away your freedom? If you dont like it then dont carry simple as that. I have fought for my freedoms and i am tired of people trying to take them away. If bought with good intention by a mentally stable person that is well trained...why cant i carry?
one thing that has always pissed me off about this country is that they treat things like they are a i not a part owner in this country? so then why do i need permission to drive my vehicle on my roads....and if it is a privalege then if i choose not to can i not pay for it? it is my right as an american to drive on the roads i pay for and to carry the guns i own....if not what did we fight it not my country or is bieng an american a privelage too?