Concealed Carry Weapons, Firearm

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I guess that's the tradeoff. Size/convenience versus power. A Rebel 250 will get you point A to B, but a Vmax makes you a deadly warrior to traffic, slaying any and all lesser vehicles in it's path. Even big game like RV's fall easily with a 600 pound slug shot from four 76mm cannons! :rofl_200:
I am never in a position where a drug crazed individual may come charging at me so, even though I am permitted for CC in NY I rarely do. Home invasions are on the increase however, and I feel there may be a possibility of something like that happening, and taylor my self-defense needs to that end.

I firmly believe in "If you don't start any, there won't be any!" so if possible evil-doers stay out of my home we'll all get to see the sun come up in the morning! If not then the first thing they will encounter is a dbl. brl. 12 ga, sawed off just above the knuckles....after that it's gonna get ugly!

There are no 'fair fights' inside these doors!! :punk:
I hate to say it but I've owned my own guns since I was 8 YO. God, that's 50 years ago. We all have slightly different perspectives on carry issues. This is a very informative thread for me. I'm seeing a few new thoughts on the subject that I wouldn't have seen without the inputs we're having. It's just possible someone here will hit on something that saves my life or my family some day. Something I never thought of on my own. So, Thanx for all the inputs.
Saw this list many years ago. It is a bit tongue in cheek but never the less, the rules still apply.

Drill Sergeant Joe B. Fricks Rules For A Gunfight

1. Forget about knives, bats and fists. Bring a gun. Preferably, bring at least two guns. Bring all of your friends who have guns. Bring four times the ammunition you think you could ever need.

2. Anything worth shooting is worth shooting twice. Ammunition is cheap - life is expensive. If you shoot inside, buckshot is your friend. A new wall is cheap - funerals are expensive

3. Only hits count. The only thing worse than a miss is a slow miss.

4. If your shooting stance is good, you're probably not moving fast enough or using cover correctly.

5. Move away from your attacker and go to cover. Distance is your friend. (Bulletproof cover and diagonal or lateral movement are preferred.)

6. If you can choose what to bring to a gunfight, bring a semi or full-automatic long gun and a friend with a long gun.

7. In ten years nobody will remember the details of caliber, stance, or tactics. They will only remember who lived.

8. If you are not shooting, you should be communicating, reloading, and running. Yell "Fire!" Why "Fire"? Cops will come with the Fire Department, sirens often scare off the bad guys, or at least cause then to lose concentration and will.... and who is going to summon help if you yell "Intruder," "Glock" or "Winchester?"

9. Accuracy is relative: most combat shooting standards will be more dependent on "pucker factor" than the inherent accuracy of the gun.

10. Someday someone may kill you with your own gun, but they should have to beat you to death with it because it is empty.

11. Stretch the rules. Always win. The only unfair fight is the one you lose.

12. Have a plan.

13. Have a back-up plan, because the first one won't work. "No battle plan ever survives 10 seconds past first contact with an enemy."

14. Use cover or concealment as much as possible, but remember, sheetrock walls and the like stop nothing but your pulse when bullets tear through them.

15. Flank your adversary when possible. Protect yours.

16. Don't drop your guard.

17. Always tactical load and threat scan 360 degrees. Practice reloading one-handed and off-hand shooting. That's how you live if hit in your "good" side.

18. Watch their hands. Hands kill. Smiles, frowns and other facial expressions don't (In God we trust. Everyone else keep your hands where I can see them.)

19. Decide NOW to always be aggressive ENOUGH, quickly ENOUGH.

20. The faster you finish the fight, the less shot you will get.

21. Be polite. Be professional. But, have a plan to kill everyone you meet if necessary, because they may want to kill you.

22. Be courteous to everyone, overly friendly to no one.

23. Your number one option for personal security is a lifelong commitment to avoidance, deterrence, and de-escalation.

24. Do not attend a gunfight with a handgun, the caliber of which does not start with anything smaller than "4".

25. Use a gun that works EVERY TIME. "All skill is in vain when an Angel blows the powder from the flintlock of your musket." At a practice session, throw you gun into the mud, then make sure it still works. You can clean it later.

26. Practice shooting in the dark, with someone shouting at you, when out of breath, etc.

27. Regardless of whether justified of not, you will feel sad about killing another human being. It is better to be sad than to be room temperature.

28. The only thing you EVER say afterwards is, "He said he was going to kill me. I believed him. I'm sorry, Officer, but I'm very upset now. I can't say anything more. Please speak with my attorney."

Finally, Drill Sergeant Frick's Rules For Un-armed Combat.

1. Never be unarmed.
Shot placement is far more important than caliber. I'd rather be shot at by a street punk with a 45 than somebody like Specops with a .22. Way back in the early 90's when i was a dealer ans shot a lot and stayed up on it there was some published material about 1 shot stops from hand gun, i'm sure teh info is still out there and updated, Maasad Ayoob and, shoot can't remember the other guys name did a lot of it. Off the top of my head I remember the #1 1 shot stopper was .357 125 gr jhp, 9 mm and 45 were about the same with the 45 200 grain CCI round and the Federal 115 +o 9mm load, 40 s&W was just starting to come out and looked like it was going to be a real good 1 shot stopper. Maybe if i get bored at work this weekend i'll see what i can find. In my time as a dealer and avid shooter I have noticed a lot of the older guy favor the 45, and a lot of the stories are just that, stories, I say that because they all sweared by 230 grain ball ammo, which is not a good stopper at all. By anyway, as i stated, placement is everything, actually tactics to avoid a gun fight is everything, shot placement comes next.
Oh yeah, want to add about caliber selection, weight vs velocity, a few different schools of though, worth looking into, I prefer hypervelocity medium weight bullets, others prefer heavy slower... Part of what causes incapacitation or death is the temporary shock wave created by a bullet, think of a boat wake left in flesh and organs, this wave can cause arteries to open, organs to urn to mush etc..., not just the actual hole left by the bullet. I could go on and on, but there are probably who have newer date/information than i do. Now I'm jones to go out and buy some new guns and do some shooting!!!
BB gun that is about 38 years old; however, still works :biglaugh:
I'm on the other side of the coin, preferring slower large caliber frag rounds like the .45 cal.185 gr Extreme Terminal Performance JHP XTP. Just have to load it fast enough to make sure it opens up upon impact.
I'm on the other side of the coin, preferring slower large caliber frag rounds like the .45 cal.185 gr Extreme Terminal Performance JHP XTP. Just have to load it fast enough to make sure it opens up upon impact.

Hand loads for defense is a huge lawsuit waiting to happen!
The best offense is a good defense, but when that fails it can't hurt to have a few things that go boom, I suppose. I don't carry, but I have absolutely no problem with it. Nutters like Obama who want to get rid of all the guns are going to be the downfall of this country. Nobody will have guns except criminals, and then we'll be up **** creek.

I've been considering building a pocket sized variant of this, my household defense mechanism, haha.


Except using running it at a much higher pressure using CO2 cartridges and copper tubing. Never got around to it, but the above gun is still working great 3 years later.

Calling it a spud gun is a major understatement....this has several times the power of the old fashioned hairspray powered ones. This uses compressed air to the tune of about 100psi. The gray thing on the small end is a solenoid valve for a lawn sprinkler opens much faster than you could pull a handle, and you need both hands on this when it goes off. The black box contains three 9v batteries in series to get the needed 24v to activate the valve. First switch is a safety and "arms" it (I added a red light for movie cliche effect), the second one is spring loaded and pops the valve when pressed. Airs up off a standard schrader valve.

Four barrel sizes.. 3/4", 1", 1.5", and 2" to accommodate a wide variety of ammunition. The 3/4" one shoots paintballs with monstrous will put one THROUGH 1/2" plywood(not frozen...). My favorite ammo is made using molds, just a 3" section of pipe with an end cap. Fill with water and freeze. Pull the end cap off, pop the ice slug out, it fits the barrel perfectly, seals awesome, and will leave a crater in a tree. Mythbusters may have proved that an ice bullet doesnt work in a traditional gun, but this one leaves the barrel with enormous energy. Once I grinded down a golf ball(just too big for the 1.5" barrel), shoved it in there, and tried to shoot a bottle off a rafter in the garage. Of course I missed, it went through the ceiling, and the roof, leaving a nice 1" hole in it's wake. I imagine that golf ball would be a very formidable weapon...I seriously think it would blow right through someone from what I've seen it do. I eventually hit a glass bottle with it and it was an explosion of glass shrapnel....not something I'd try again.

From a tactical standpoint it's not so good though LOL. Weighs probably 15-20 pounds, and takes about 30 seconds to reair and reload. But man does it pack a punch. I have no idea how fast it shoots, but it will send a 1lb ice slug easily 150+ far the edge of the field is from my house, and it goes sailing beyond that and out of sight.

Been through several refinements....the first and second ones I blew up from the "U" bend shattering from recoil forces. That's why this one keeps a short U using 3" pipe. Best shot from a kneeling position, with the U crooked against your hip. Lean forward, push the button, and try not to go on your ass. Unless it's a small shot shooting it standing is not a good idea.
Has anybody seen results of a bullet called extreme shock? I have my 380,and 9mm loaded with them. According to video supposed to be pretty bad on what ever it hits but won't penetrate a drywall
Yeah, never thought about it but I'm sure you're right! Although that would require a plaintiff....right?

absolulty, which would be bad guys family and vile lawyer just looking to make mass coin from joe citizen.
Has anybody seen results of a bullet called extreme shock? I have my 380,and 9mm loaded with them. According to video supposed to be pretty bad on what ever it hits but won't penetrate a drywall
Sound like it's similar to Glaser Safety slugs, which don't have a great track record if i remember correctly.
absolulty, which would be bad guys family and vile lawyer just looking to make mass coin from joe citizen.

He made these bullets himself for the sole purpose of killing!

Na, I think I'll stick with the hydroshocks and leave the reloads for plinking around.
Depending on mood and clothing. I'll carry one of the following. Taurus .45 cal PT745 SS, Taurus .380 TCP, Kel-Tec 9mm PF-9, S&W .40 Sigma, and a Mossberg 500 at home.
Recently took CCW classes and applied for the permit---- 3 months????????

As the title of the thread says--- ConcealedCarry.
If your heard of the " Crossbreed " holster or tried one you'll never go back. It's truly Concealed and very comfortable. It's inside the wasteband( even with the shirt tucked in) and you cant see my S&W J-frame at all--- really.

Also, gotta hit what your aiming at. Must be tough to do in the heat of the moment????? Try laser sights--- built into the grip and turn on automatically as you hold the weapon. ( ). Red dot-- bullit hole even if your not using the sights.

Gotta know the laws of your county/state or you could loose much time in jail for even drawing your weapon..

That said--- "Never leave home without it"
PS: Love that Mossberg 500 at the bedside
"....88 shoots through schools......":rofl_200:

DS Fricks is correct.....

Carry the largest caliber you can shoot well and are comfortable with......a large caliber is useless if you are afraid to fire the weapon or cannot access it FAST when you need it........PRACTICE!!!!!!

All weapons should be used with the intent to access better and more powerful weapons until the threat is completely neutralized.....

Situational awareness is PARAMOUNT!!!!!!! Avoid armed confrontation at ALL material cost......your cash or your car is not worth the damage to your psychological well being that taking another human life WILL cause.......even if you are justified.....

If you find yourself in a situation where deadly force is necessary in your day to day routine and you are not a Soldier or Law Enforcement you have already made several mistakes.......

As for home invasion......all bets are off........I'm gonna use my Inside the Shell Egg Scrambler on your eyeball if I have too......your felon ass ain't getting out of my house alive........

$0.02 deposited

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