covid vaccine

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The absolute stupidity on display in this thread explains a lot about the United States present condition.
Most vaccines take around 5 years from development to testing to FDA approval to the markets.

It's completely random and depends on the type of vaccine being engineered, the complexity of the virus in question and many other factors.

For example, there is still no vaccine for AIDS.

This vaccine, as I explained before that people blew right past, was already developed 17 years ago. Then it was modified again just 7 years ago in about a year. Now it has been modified again in about the same time frame.

The reason for that is they are all coronavirus strains. They have a great many similarities so it's much easier to modify the existing vaccine to combat a new strain.

It's the same way we develop flu vaccines every 6 to 8 months - because they are all influenza strains.

The absolute stupidity on display in this thread explains a lot about the United States present condition.
The absolute stupidity on display in this thread explains a lot about the United States present condition.


It's completely random and depends on the type of vaccine being engineered, the complexity of the virus in question and many other factors.

For example, there is still no vaccine for AIDS.

This vaccine, as I explained before that people blew right past, was already developed 17 years ago. Then it was modified again just 7 years ago in about a year. Now it has been modified again in about the same time frame.

The reason for that is they are all coronavirus strains. They have a great many similarities so it's much easier to modify the existing vaccine to combat a new strain.

It's the same way we develop flu vaccines every 6 to 8 months - because they are all influenza strains.

The absolute stupidity on display in this thread explains a lot about the United States present condition.

If you want to quote me as wrong, I am fine with that. But provide PROOF of why I am wrong. Here is where I got my info as to why I stated it was accurate as such.
As to no vaccine for AIDS, well, I just stated, there is no money(profit) to be made through curing people. If we can treat symptoms, its a way to keep the people in the system, paying longer. This is no secret to the industry. I would wager that the real last vaccine was the polio vaccine. The flu vaccine is not a vaccine if you need to get it every year. Chicken pox vaccine....well....when on average 100 people a year die....I would say at this point, we are just trying to find a way to make drug companies richer. And if you get the chickenpox vaccine....guess need the shingles vaccine next. More money.

Someone stated that 1.6 million people died of COVID. I would call that completely false. When the age bracket for the highest mortality rate is high 70s and 80s, I would say it is not COVID. But the myriad of health problems afflicting the old person. Are people dying of COVID straight up....yes. But not 1.6 million. 2 facts easy to research regarding this.....normal influenza deaths and pneumonia deaths in America at least have dropped to near 0 for 2020. Statistical anomaly. Second fact, every COVID related death a hospital has, they get federal money. With this fact, here in America, one person I believe in Oregon died in a car wreck. During the autopsy, it was discovered the person had COVID. The death was later changed to COVID. In Florida a man was stabbed. Same deal. He had COVID, cause of death was changed from stabbing to COVID. I wouldnt hold faith in any numbers the media gives you.

Final fact, each and every day here on planet earth, approximately 200,000 people die. By the end of this week, we will lose 1.4 million people. Since the start of this scardemic, Say April 1 to current, 257 days. 51,400,000 people on this planet has died. Sure...1.6 million people dying is too much. But in the grand scheme of life, its NOTHING! Statistical irrelevance. 7.8 BILLION people and growing on this planet. Mortality is 100%. This nonsense has been used to sap people of their common sense and since approximately 95% of people are easily swayed by media and government lies, its working.
You really are categorically stupid. I'll take them in order.

If you want to quote me as wrong, I am fine with that. But provide PROOF of why I am wrong.

I already did, but you're too stupid to read it. The SARS vaccine of 2003 IS A CORONAVIRUS VACCINE. There have been dozens upon dozens of coronavirus vaccines over the last century. So yes, the original vaccine took decades to come up with, but ever since the vast majority of the work is already done, so it takes months or maybe a couple years tops at most.

Each time a new strain comes out doesn't mean you start from scratch. I explained that to you CLEARLY but being the cool aid drinking Trumptard you are you simply ignore it.

As to no vaccine for AIDS, well, I just stated, there is no money(profit) to be made through curing people.
Most moronic statement I've ever seen.

Do you have any idea how much AIDS has cost the planet? Well, between 2000 and 2015, over 600,000,000,000 dollars has been spent on it with governments having to pick up between 50 and 60% of the costs. It wiped out entire areas, economies, livelihoods, and more.

Finding a vaccine for AIDS would save the world billions of dollars each year. They're still trying desperately to find one because that way your tax dollars (if you even pay any) could be better spent elsewhere.

But that's just the entire planet's take on it, not yours, so you don't care.

Someone stated that 1.6 million people died of COVID. I would call that completely false.

He lied. Presently it is 1,617,498. Sue him for being a little short. Here is the live data map from The John's Hopkins University, the leading university on statistics for Covid-19 on earth.
But I'm sure you'll quote some Trump based study that says it's all a conspiracy theory made up by the deep state.

The flu vaccine is not a vaccine if you need to get it every year.
That may just be the most moronic thing I've ever seen anybody ever put in writing.

Chicken pox vaccine....well....when on average 100 people a year die....I would say at this point, we are just trying to find a way to make drug companies richer. And if you get the chickenpox vaccine....guess need the shingles vaccine next. More money.
I stand corrected. You've already outdone your previous patent stupidity.


Measles was wiped out. Eradicated. No more. Gone. Totally. In the United States it was decleard dead in the year 2000. How they do that is if you don't see a single case of a virus transmitted in over a year.

Now, it is true that if you ever had the measles, the shingles were already in your system. That's a product of measles.

That is incorrect as pointed out to me by @hogfiddles . I mistakenly confused Measles with Chicken Pox. My bad.

But who do you know who has ever had the shingles? It's mostly older people, because they got the measles as kids before the vaccine came out or before they got vaccinated.

You know what started measles again? Anti-vaccine groups that believe they're evil, or the devils work, or contain small space ships built by Bill Gates to take over your brain. Those idiots (I would not doubt at all that you're one of them) are to blame for that.

I'm 53. I was vaccinated when I was a kid in the late 70's. I've never had the measles. I never will, ergo I will never need a shingles vaccine nor will I ever get shingles.

See how that works?

Final fact, each and every day here on planet earth, approximately 200,000 people die.
Covid-19 is now the leading cause of death each day in the United States.
Your facts are complete ********.
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At LEAST 275,000 excess deaths this year above what was expected according to the CDC. That's a hard fact.
Also, the average lost years of life for people that died of Covid 19 is over 13 years....... for anyone that wants to state that it only effects the elderly that were going to die soon anyway. Anybody here OK with taking 13 or more years off your lifespan?
On a lighter note: Has anyone seen the series Z Nation on Netflix? Watch it first before deciding on the shot. Mother nature will protect itself.

Total SARS deaths in the U.S. November 2002 to May 2004 : 774
Total MERS deaths in the U.S. : 0 (only two positive test for MERS have ever been noted in the United States)
Total Covid -19 deaths in the U.S. since February, 2020: 303,867 and climbing by roughly 3,000 per day.

**** post more, Trumptard.
To be fair, I didn't hear anything in the video that I thought wasn't true.

The problem with it though was if you only looked at the bare statistics given for the death rate from each condition i.e.

MERS 34%
SARS 9.6%
COVID currently 2.2%

you could come to the conclusion that COVID is the least dangerous of the three.
However the picture starts to change if you factor in the number of cases that have been reported:

MERS > 2500
SARS 8098
COVID 73.6 million and rising

If you were of such a mind (I'm not) you could then go on to work out the probability of you catching them.
Given that MERS & SARS were broadly speaking localised and not particularly contagious the probability of being infected is minimal.
As COVID is highly contagious to the extent it has been declared a pandemic the probability of an infection is infinitely greater.
The video states that the common cold IS a coronavirus. Since NO ONE can confirm other that what a doctor says is true about whether you truly are or are not infected with COVID or the common cold is a stretch of the imagination. I personally know alot of people. I know of no one who is allegedly infected with this virus. Infection means NOTHING with an animal that is highly contagious. Yes, despite what you wish to think, humans are a dirty infectious animal. But the fact that the human population is 7.8 billion and growing, the attempts to scare me that this is lethal on a true pandemic level is extremely laughable. When people start dropping in the streets is when you will convince people there is a problem. When you have to be tested to see whether or not youre infected means the same thing as herpes. 50-80% of all adults in the US have herpes. Its the #1 virus in America spread from human to human. And if you want to say you dont have herpes means you dont know what herpes is. If you ever had a cold sore in your life....guess what? You have herpes.
HSV1....affects 3.7 BILLION people annually.

Someone stated that COVID takes 13 years off peoples lives. Well....since someone has a fantastic grasp of average life expectancy and actual age people live....when exactly will everyone here kick the bucket? I heard for years and years and years that smoking a cigarette takes 7 minutes off your life. My grandmother who never smoked, drank, or did drugs died at 63. Her husband who did smoke and drink for many decades is still alive at 87. Granted his health is failing now, but to say that something takes years off your life is laughable at best. No one on this planet knows when their number is up.

And this one is directed to Parminio....when you resort to name calling, not just me, but everyone can see how absolutely childish you are. Once name calling starts, no matter how on point you are, you are to be dismissed like a child throwing a temper tantrum. I posted proof. You apparently got hostile over facts. You seem to not want to accept the fact that people die. Old and sick people tend to die at a far more rapid rate than young and healthy people. I posted the age brackets where the CDC is catagorizing the people allegedly dying of COVID. This fact by the government seems to upset you. Mortality is 100%. No amount of screaming, social justicing, or name calling will ever change that. If you refuse to accept that, thats entirely on you.
I have to say that what you have written is a complete load of b******s.

Whist some common colds are from the Corona virus family as is SARS-Cov2 that doesn't make them the same thing.
Different viruses will have different genetic codes and from that it can be established which one has caused an infection, in this case COVID19.

Just because you don't know anyone who has been infected by COVI19 doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Following that logic does that also mean that all the other ailments that affect us do not exist because you don't know anyone who has had them?

Humans are subjected to a multitude of fungal, viral and bacterial attacks, and I don't follow your logic that it makes them 'dirty' as you seem to believe.
What it does demonstrate is that despite the constant attack from external sources the human body is a fantastic instrument that has the ability withstand the majority of these attacks without the host knowing what is happening.
You say 'When you have to be tested to see whether or not your infected means the same thing as herpes' perhaps you can elaborate on this as I don't have a clue where your twisted logic is taking that argument.
I can say that I have never had any symptoms of HSV-1 or HSV-2 but it is typically an asymptomatic infection that is not surprising. However that is not the same as saying I don't have the virus or to follow your logic, it doesn't exist.

It would also seen that your grasp on statistical analysis is to say the least less than basic. The numbers that we are given are not produced out of thin air of worked out on the back of an envelope. There are some very clever statisticians who have developed some very clever mathematics to analise the data and thereby understand the trends.
Not only that but these data are put forward for peer review and the methods and conclusions tested. Where data or conclusions are found wanting that this is highlighted.
I'm sorry to hear of your Grandmother who died at sixty three. I don't know your point as there will be many other people who died at that age. I had a grandson who died after ten days...devastating but it happens; a single incident like we have experienced is not a trend and proves nothing.

Nobody is denying that death is inevitable and is something that will happen to all of us will.

What is galling are those who deny the existence of Covid 'because they don't know anyone who has had it' and will probably refuse to wear a face mask 'because it goes against my right to potentially infect other people' or to refuse a vaccine and then expect the health care system to look after them when they get ill.

If you want to live in your flat earth bubble (it must flat be because I haven't seen the curvature of the earth) then by all means go ahead.

Bottom line is that there are those who's minds are so closed and self centered that they are blind to everything that don't want to see.
Stats and figures....
Show how many infected, how many died. Agree?
How many people currently in the world. Shows how many alive, how many dead, how many born. Agree?
Add numbers from COVID clock to World population clock hit calculate. Agree?

7.832 billion alive on the planet. 74281037 infected(at the time of this comment) equals 0.9484299923391216% infection rate.

0.021077949438202247% death rate.

For the US only the CDC ADMITTED that only 6% of people have died of COVID while the rest died of their underlying health problems. You can read that here.
This isnt a statistic, this is a fact, each and every day, approximately 200,000 people in the world dies. If you watch the World Population clock I sent you this will confirm. Here in America, if you track the CDC site for influenza deaths and pneumonia deaths, COVID practically cured all those deaths.

Here in my state, 2.1 million people According to my states news sites, 1.7 million tests have been done. I bet in a few months, the testing will EXCEED the population. What does that mean? It will make it seem like the state will be out of control when in fact its only a handful of people getting tested over and over making the numbers seem inflated. You can see these numbers here,
This is how many tested, how many infected, how many died from the state of New Mexico.
This is overkill for the state population, but the point remains valid.

Conclusion. You may call my proof ********. You may not want to see what I want to see. But the facts are facts here. With a death rate world wide of 0.02% and an infection rate of less than 1%. In my state alone, 1.7 million tested of 2.1 million people in a state that is nearly as large as Germany. Thats straight up not possible. Someone is robbing people of their common sense. Medical journals can write anything they want. It was medically accepted that leeches would cure nearly anything. Cocaine, Morphine cocktails were all the rage just 100 years ago and medically accredited. Point for that is dont take what an industry says is good for you as gospel.
I'll give this one more go, Trumptard.

New Mexico has a population of right at 2,000,000 people. To date, New Mexico has had 123,000 cases of Covid-19 and 2006 deaths.

So it's no big surprise you don't know anybody that's died of Covid. It's not a heavily populated state. In fact, here's its Covid Cluster map:

new mexico covid map.jpg

In contrast to that, there are more people in just two counties in Georgia, Gwinnett (mine) and Fulton (where Atlanta is) than there is in your entire state. Here's our map:

Georgia covid map.jpg

You notice that not only are there a lot more circles, but they're much closer together. Our stats as of today: 534,000 cases, 9,856 deaths.

Guess what? I don't know anybody that's died of it.

To use the argument of "it's not real because I don't know anybody that died from it" is something only a complete, window licking, brainless, patent village idiot would ever do.

You have no proof. You post complete ******** that has absolutely NO BEARING WHATSOEVER IN REALITY. You are a true and blue Trump follower.

I bet you think he won the election, don't you?

I bet you have an AR 15 and a go bag beside your sofa, don't you?

I bet you watch Fox News, believe in QAnon and still think that there's a hidden meaning in all of Pat Boone's albums, don't you?

In order to be as stupid as you are, you surely must.
Irrelevant, but may lighten up the tense atmosphere of this. Also its information that I could truly use.

Does anyone have suggestions for a gen 1 starter clutch replacement upgrade or mod to ensure that it will never fail again for years to come?
Irrelevant, but may lighten up the tense atmosphere of this. Also its information that I could truly use.

Does anyone have suggestions for a gen 1 starter clutch replacement upgrade or mod to ensure that it will never fail again for years to come?

Sean Morley has the fix. Shoot him an email at:
[email protected]
I was wondering the same thing. As a concern for the new motor and found this unit with six elements instead of three.34264D03-BC43-4892-8B3D-E984B71657F6.png

not sure if its the answer. any opinions?
Sean is great and makes great stuff, but i talked to him on the phone a week ago and his mod is around $450 (I'm assuming it's a get what you pay for type of deal, and I won't find anything of better quality elsewhere)

I haven't looked at anything else to compare quality & prices. But I figured I could possibly find something else that's still good or better than OEM for a slightly more affordable price.

I however plan on keeping the bike for several years and may bite the bullet, & go through Morley if everyone here thinks that's the way to go?