Well-Known Member
id try another radial rime, or different notched arm. can you install all but with out drive shaft then tighten everything to try and isolate noise
id try another radial rime, or different notched arm. can you install all but with out drive shaft then tighten everything to try and isolate noise
Just a thought Garrett....have you, or can you measure the length of both s/a's, from a point in the pivot's to the flange the diff mounts to?
Is there any possibility the new arm is a little shorter and a spline is mating in a new spot, or something wierd like that? :ummm:
unfortunately no access to either until i get another arm.
the problem typically only appears once the rear diff is warm, but i could try installing the rear diff without the driveshaft. problem is i feel like the hypoid oil would get EVERYWHERE without the shaft in to seal it. any ideas?
Wouldn't the oil seals prevent that Garrett?
no clue but thats easy enough with a tape measure right? i'll add that to the list for the am. hopefully can find a point to measure off the new arm when its in the bike. sick of pulling the arms.
Pull the pivot cover and measure from the backside of the hole to the final drive flange? :confused2: Tape measure should be fine, just be sure it's in the same position on each arm.
so some good news. i put the new rim back on the bike today (creak still there). trying something i put a feeler gauge between the diff and swingarm right near the upper inboard stud. guess what? no creaking! so i'm gonna see if the local machine shop can mill it flat, fix it, or do something (keeping in mind if they mill it i'll have to make up the difference somehow).
i used a .75mm feeler gauge.
Garrett, did you try the feelers gauge at all 4 studs or just the one? Or break the gauge in 4 pieces and place them at each stud?
You may want to go thru some more scenarios before committing to machining.
I know how to solve the problem in it's entirety........... CHAIN DRIVE:rofl_200::rofl_200: Strangely enough I don't have to worry about a differential making weird noises....:rofl_200:
With the diff out you could lay a straight edge horizontal across the square face of the swingarm and also place your axle in the swing arm with the large end of the axle held tight with the pinch bolt. Have a look to see if your straight edge is parallel with the axle. From what you have described with the gap in the diff when it is offered up to the swingarm, my guess is that the welded brace has cantered the face of the swingarm inwards like as if your bike had been hit from the diff side of the bike at the rear of the rear wheel.
You could check these measurements versus your stock swingarm for comparison.
With the diff out you could lay a straight edge horizontal across the square face of the swingarm and also place your axle in the swing arm with the large end of the axle held tight with the pinch bolt. Have a look to see if your straight edge is parallel with the axle. From what you have described with the gap in the diff when it is offered up to the swingarm, my guess is that the welded brace has cantered the face of the swingarm inwards like as if your bike had been hit from the diff side of the bike at the rear of the rear wheel.
You could check these measurements versus your stock swingarm for comparison.
Way to go Garrett!!:clapping:
Sounds good. It's interesting that the surface was changed that much. It's possible the factory tolerance was that much or the arm may have even been tweaked when we started.
Already started the replacement too.