Far too many people are willing to bend over and take it up the ***** from CEO's, Union Bosses, Politicians, and church leaders,,,we are sheep.
We were willing to kill thousands of our own kids in useless lies of wars, such as Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. We are happy paying our union bosses 6 times the 40 hour salary of the people they represent. We sit back and vote the same two parties in office that have allowed our jobs by the millions to be exported to slave wage 3rd world countries, so when our vets do come home they have no job. We have a chance to vote in a man like Ross Perot who was against Nafta and we blow him off. We are happpy to pay ceo's millions upon millions and they get the same or lower tax rate than the people making $60,000 a year.
The sad fact is the vast majority of people in the US deserve what is coming our way, at the hands of a rotten chocked off economy presented by bought off, so called, leaders and public servants, including union bosses, church leaders etc.,,and a new Dictatorship planted in Washington DC.
Our Forefathers worst fears are coming to pass, courtesy of the two party system and very stupid, lazy, ignorant, uncaring, easily led, populace.:damn angry: