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Well-Known Member
May 11, 2012
Reaction score
Durand, MI
So,I have my awesome new Vmax.

So I'm driving my nice shiny new Vmax home from work today. Pulling away from a stop sign,doing about 30 and a moron pulls out in front of me. 2 choices: t-bone the car or ride into the grassy ditch. I chose the ditch.

Thought I was gonna pull it out but the rear tire came around to my left and the bike dropped onto its right side snapping my ankle in 2 places in the process.

Jerk never even stopped. Guy behind me stopped,picked up my bike and pushed it out of the ditch for me. I didnt realize the ankle was broken at first, I was thinking sprain. So I rode home which made it very clear it was broken.

Bike is fine thanks to the low speed and soft, grassy ditch.

Guess I'm done for awhile:bang head:
Sorry to hear , glad it's not worse than it is. Every time I ride , somebody tries to make me into a hood ornament. You can never get complacent while on two wheels. It's like they get points for taking our space. Heal quickly brother.
Sorry to hear , glad it's not worse than it is. Every time I ride , somebody tries to make me into a hood ornament. You can never get complacent while on two wheels. It's like they get points for taking our space. Heal quickly brother.

Unfortunately, I must second this, sorry to hear about your accident, glad you could ride away from it.
I was just readying your post the other day about your magna.. which looked really nice happy you got a max and now DAM! I read this.. im sry to hear this.. you still got your hands time to monkey wrench :punk:
I was just readying your post the other day about your magna.. which looked really nice happy you got a max and now DAM! I read this.. im sry to hear this.. you still got your hands time to monkey wrench :punk:

Pretty much what I was thinking. New fork seals and get to know tthe bike mechanically. I do as much of my own work as possible, too poor to do otherwise.
Oh man what a drag! Sorry to hear it. About 10 years back I had a similar situation, and though my ankle didn't break, it was close to it - foot was pinned and my body's momentum was in a different direction. Since then I rarely ride without proper MC boots that have build in ankle armor (I was wearing combat boots at the time that obviously don't have ankle plating). With the down-time ahead of you, maybe look into getting a set..?:confused2:

Good to hear the bike is okay.
sorry to hear about that Hijacker. Glad it was not any worst than it is. Heal up fast and do what you can. Sometimes a jacked ankle is worst than a broken one.
Back in 1990 I flipped over my 4 wheeler and broke my ankle in two places. I had a 1985 eliminator at the time and figured out a way to strap my crutch to it and road all over. I couldn't work so I got a lot of riding in.


That really stinks Hijacker. Did anyone get the jerks' license #?

A guy did that to me on the hwy at 55mph back in 1988, and left the scene. Other drivers took down his plate # and gave it to police. He was ticketed for improper something or other, and I was able to recover bike repairs + MEDICAL from his insurance.
Wouldn't be surprising if the ass-hat drove away because he genuinely didn't even realize what just happened. So many drivers are just totally oblivious to other vehicles, figuring everyone else will get out of their way.

The same thing happened to me a few weeks ago, 80 year old guy on oxygen and those pitch black wraparound sunglasses pulled out in front of me. I ended up swerving into the oncoming lane since there was a small gap, but then the bumper-to-bumper traffic suddenly stopped again and I had too much lean and too much brake, the front wheel locked and I slid it out. The crash bars work as advertised, they keep the bike from pinching your leg under it. Couple minor scrapes and bruises. Probably would have had a ****** up knee, since my right leg guard has a pretty nasty/deep road rash on the knee plate, and that plastic is a lot tougher than skin.

Honestly I feel safer at 140 on an empty highway than I do at 30mph in rush hour traffic.
Pretty much what I was thinking. New fork seals and get to know tthe bike mechanically. I do as much of my own work as possible, too poor to do otherwise.

Amen there plus I love wrenching on toys.. if u do seals might as well do progressive springs and emulators.. and check your steering head bearing