Finally wheelied!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2012
Reaction score
Springfield, MO
Powered it up finally! :eusa_dance:
I had been trying to do it WOT then cutting the throttle, then snapping it back open at about 6k. I got it by doing it at around 4.5k, it pops up a little and when it goes back down I snap it again and it goes up really well.

About time! LoL

Yep! Now keep the foot on the rear brake and be ready to bring it on down. You're nowhere near needing to worry about it yet from that shot.

Cool ,Practice makes perfect, but take VERY small steps. Wheelies scare the hell out of me, but I'd like to think I've gotten pretty good at burnouts over the last 30 + years but it wasn't without paying my "dues" along the way. Do be carful, and remember the rear brake can be your friend .

With that said, I can't wait to see your video!
Now go practice crashing, falling, sliding, and bouncing off obstacles, 'cause it's likely going to happen. Many of us have already been there
I'm not interested in riding a wheelie, just wanted to be able to pop one. Occasionally I would from shifting from 1st to 2nd, not intentionally though. Now I can when I want to, not just by chance.
I will not practice
crashing, falling, sliding, and bouncing off obstacles
but thanks.
Nothing like a guy having some fun with his ride. I've never bouced it up, but cracked it in first to get it up a little,the first time was with the Mark's 4-2 test ride. A 1st to second wheelie is also a blast to do once in a while. My riding position since getting new bars puts more weight forward now, but its better for handeling and comfort. Wheelies aren't accidental here. :D
Sonoran6 do a few more the way you do them and get the feelfor it and than when you come to a stop think about the feel of it look at the road ahead of you adjust your bike so it is safe and inline give it a little throttle and get rolling and crack the ****** wide open in first gear when it come's up blip it down a little and it will fall. do this at will when it is safe through out your ride everytime and soon you will stay in it hadrer and longer as you get the feel for the tire coming up. you dont need to do all that jumping on it and letting off **** for it to come up in 1st. Just crack the thottle wide open. you now have the feel of for what the bike will do in a wheelie. taller wheelis's make a great show and wheelie's as high as the one in your pic that can be stay up all the way to 9500rpm are bad ass. Good job take your time keep it clean and safe. Like i said dont go out and pull one after another. Just go for a ride and as your enjoying the ride watch for a good safe wheelie spot and crack it wide open and wait for it to come up and blip it when it hits the end of your comfort zone it will come back down. as you do this throughout your ride's your comfort zone will get taller and taller and as it gets taller thats when you need to blip it to come down and than hit it again so it dont come down hard. It wont hit that hard if its only 2 feet off the ground. Report back with more pic's dude.
get a tboost switch. front end comes up like butter at 4k.
Guys who "pop" wheelies are the ones who eventually go down. Wear your leathers, boots, and gloves 'cause asphalt chews you up pretty good, and a few weeks of road rash really sucks.
Ontario Hooligan. :ummm: Nope dont even sound right. :rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200:........MIKE
:rofl_200: Funny ass **** Todd. :rofl_200:
it was good... looks like the stuff we get carried away with here...

looked like a bunch of ******* in action. NO WAY I would ride with people who did wheelies in the middle of the pack. Pretty dangerous, and I have seen more than once the **** that can happen when squids lose it, and take others with them. You want to wheelie on a group ride, you get up front and do it. I've also seen first hand what can happen when a dummie just stops, and does a burnout. Pretty stupid! I've also seen what happens, when a burnout goes wrong, and an unsuspecting rider in front of the dummie gets smashed into! I also had a chuckle at the cool guy without the helmet. Altough he had no helmet, he was wise enough to wear boots, leathers, and gloves lol!
dwarf you dont ride with the michigan hooligans. We do everything you said we should do. if you watch the vidio you can see the guy doing the burn out let the vidio guy know that he's doing a burn-out and im always out front when i do wheelies other than one time when i was waved passed and one time when Tom had passed me coming out of a burn out when i went into a wheelie and Tom and i ride togather alot and we have an understanding with each other. The vidio guy knows ahead of time what hooligan is about to have fun. Nothing in life is full proof but i can tell you that the Michigan Hooligans are crash free so far. however we do have a newbie that is fearless and we all hope he find's his grove with us. I feel he will do good. dwarf dont take the smack talk from me to hart im just a keyboard smart ass. I go to Brampton on 5 days a week and have nothing againest can na dian Hooligans at all just ******* with you is all.
Doing a wheelie in the front of a pack doesn't seem right either dwarf. If he loses it, he risks wiping out all the riders behind him as a result of squidding it up.