I used to own a Honda VTR1000, and yes, I was a hooligan... BIG TIME!!!! High speed stand up wheelies, stoppies, knee dragging blah blah blah... Never got caught, but got a lot of minor little bs tickets on the bike, and in my truck, to the point I lost my job over them, because the company ins supplier wanted $8500/yr to insure me. I walked away from street riding, and went back to the dirt where I belong, and still am. I ride dirt regularaly, and race as well. I got back ont the street this year on an XR250. Fun little bike. Then through a trade deal on one of my MX bikes, I got the Vmax. Ya, it's got power, but I've had more. The thought of doing wheelies, and crap anymore on either of the street bikes doesn't even come to mind. Really doesnt interest me anymore, as street is rather boring to tell you the truth. Also, here in Onterrible we have this law, where if you get caught doing 50km/h (30 mph) above the speed limit, wheelies, burnouts, racing, etc etc YOU ARE DONE!!!! Your licence is yanked on the spot for 30 days, and your vehicle towed, and impounded, not to mention the anal rape job your insurance company gives you. I now know the street is not my personal racetrack