is it cold enough to do the " throw the cup of water in the air and have it freeze" trick
It was -2 here this morning. I guess its not that cold in comparison.
Holy crap! What just happened?
The hot water turned to vapor.
I see you guys just got a load of diesel and unleaded gasoline. I just read the story on Yahoo. The article didn't mention wether or not they delivered any race gas though.
Feed the troll!:red ass:
The only racing that goes on up there involves dogsleds :biglaugh:
I swear to god my next duty station better be Alaska because I am dying to go dogsled racing.
I've been out on a sled once, it was pretty cool. Them dogs and people who run the Iditarod and the Yukon Quest are truly unique people. You and your team have to be double tough to go through what they do on them distance races.
I like going to watch the sprints when they have them at the dog musher's hall. Its a great way to spend some time with the family and friends.
A guy I went to school with had his daughter hooked up to a 6 dog team, water skiing on the Chena river, it was pretty cool.
It is on my bucket list to travel to Alaska, by vehicle, to visit the natural wonders such as Denali, Katmai, Kena, Glacier Bay and KJ.biglaugh
While not any where near as cold as what KJ has to deal with this is what Sault Ste Marie, Michigan temps and weather in general look like:
Avg high temp 49.4*
Avg low temp 31.1*
Avg annual temp 40.3*
Avg # days > 90* 2
Avg # days below < 32* 177
Record high temp 98*
Record low temp -37*
Avg precipitation days/ yr. (> 0.01" ) 166.5
Avg snowy days (> 0.1") 84.7
Sunshine hours 2,245.5 out of 8760 (365 day year)
Growing up we used to get much more snow than we do now, I remember that my dad put plywood over our sidewalk so he wouldn't have to shovel it over the high banks. I thought it was the greatest thing in the world to have a tunnel to play in!:eusa_dance:
VmaxinID was up here, visiting family, a while back. The temp was a little warmer than it is now. But, here is the "cup of boiling water in the air" trick. :biglaugh:
That was awesome!:worthy:
What the heck happened to Shad? He's never on here anymore. He took me for a m/C tour of Yellowstone a couple of years ago, seriously nice guy.[/QUOTE]
+1, He has moved from Pocatello to Vancouver, Washington. Great guy that enjoys hand crafted beer and Vmax's, what's not to like!unk: