got my bike back

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Call him and explain that the valve cover is leaking, and you believe its due to the fact he reused the old gasket. See what he has to say. If he asks you to bring it back, ask him if you will be charged for the re-work. If he plans on charging you, I would do the work yourself, but give a call to the Better Business Burea and report his actions. That way you get some satisfaction for your money, and it will possibly help other people who may be considering going to him for repairs. Give him the benefit of doubt first, though!
I'd go back and claim the money back for what he didn't do... If he refuses get a brick and give a little buff to his shop front window...
I understand where he's coming from. It's significantly easier to read quickly and get a good reply when the format is correct. This may not be grammar school but we aren't all teenagers talking with text language or using ebonics.


agreed. i don't mind asking someone to use punctuation, but that wasn't the way to ask.

It's a lot harsh. Let's be nice guys! Just stating that you have a hard time reading his posts, would have sufficed.

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Call him and explain that the valve cover is leaking, and you believe its due to the fact he reused the old gasket. See what he has to say. If he asks you to bring it back, ask him if you will be charged for the re-work. If he plans on charging you, I would do the work yourself, but give a call to the Better Business Burea and report his actions. That way you get some satisfaction for your money, and it will possibly help other people who may be considering going to him for repairs. Give him the benefit of doubt first, though!

ok back to our regularly scheduled thread. i agree with this.
Originally Posted By poppop in the first thread on this subject: i damaged my eyes pretty bad welding ,doc said no fix,
I have a very close friend who posts regularly on the AR15 Forum. He recently had a stroke and stopped posting but continued to write me. I had a really difficult time getting the meaning of what he'd written. It's been a few months and he is back to posting and doing quite well.

There are only so many VMaxers in the world, we should try to be more tolerant and help those in need. I don't care how well or not so well a persons grammar is. Mine's not great.... My excuse is that I did several years of being a technical writer...

Come on Guys, play nicely, please... We're all in the same boat here...

A friend in need is a friend indeed..

Call the shop and ask him (anonomous caller) and ask him how long is his work guaranteed for ? Probably 30 days, then drive the bike to the shop and show him the leak you still have from the repairs he just made and would like him to fix the problem. Also tell him you would like the parts replaced on this fix back. He probably won't have the old parts from the previous repair, but he should not have a problem with giving you the parts from the new work performed. Even though he's and ass, so it seems, be kind and courteous. Sometimes that method works when dealing with ass holes. But keep the brick handy just in case it backfires.
Sorry to here of the bad ending Pop. I'm sure we can help talk you through anything else you need to do. I think I'd want to check those valve clearances out before riding and fix the leak.
the valve covers were never removed,but you are right that was my intenions thanks poppop
Call the shop and ask him (anonomous caller) and ask him how long is his work guaranteed for ? Probably 30 days, then drive the bike to the shop and show him the leak you still have from the repairs he just made and would like him to fix the problem. Also tell him you would like the parts replaced on this fix back. He probably won't have the old parts from the previous repair, but he should not have a problem with giving you the parts from the new work performed. Even though he's and ass, so it seems, be kind and courteous. Sometimes that method works when dealing with ass holes. But keep the brick handy just in case it backfires.
i dont trust him now he will not get a second chance .fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me
I'd go back and claim the money back for what he didn't do... If he refuses get a brick and give a little buff to his shop front window...
if i bust his window or his head it s off to the grey bar hotel but if he attacked me i was acting in self defense,best for me to get passed it.and fix my bike that in why i got it in the first place to enjoy, thanks poppop
if i bust his window or his head it s off to the grey bar hotel but if he attacked me i was acting in self defense,best for me to get passed it.and fix my bike that in why i got it in the first place to enjoy, thanks poppop

Yeah... Anyone that would do that and is an adult is asking to go to jail.

Live and learn... Get some new gaskets and install yourself.

if i bust his window or his head it s off to the grey bar hotel but if he attacked me i was acting in self defense,best for me to get passed it.and fix my bike that in why i got it in the first place to enjoy, thanks poppop

Thats what he deserves... If i get ripped off i won't just say "thank you"... Dude that didn't happen to me and its making me sick already...
An Oxford's AN Oxford scholar!! And Oxford, being a proper noun, gets capitalized, of course. :rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200:

Oh, and I think FUCKIN gets one of these (') at the end, like....FUCKIN'. But I'm not 100% on that one! :confused2:

Reading comprehension > you.

I never claimed I was either, but its certainly better than reading a bunch of gibberish.
WTF? We are hanging or recommending violence/vandalism to the shop owner...

Am I the only one reading Poppop's post incorrectly?

The way I read it after all is said and done, he still has some kind of oil leak. Who's to say where the oil leak is actually coming from. Popop advised the shop owner the valve cover was leaking. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't.

The gasket supplied by Poppop seems to have been the water pump housing gasket, which he says is visible.

The valve cover just had some extra sealing washers added... No cover off, no valve adjustment and no charge for valve adjustment or cover gasket replacement.

The $489.00 bill. What's the shop labor rate? 80, 90, 100 dollars an hour?

Oil change, what... approx an hours charge maybe plus oil and filter. There's approx $140.00 dollars.

Water pump re-seal. There's what... approx two, two and a half hours? No parts as Poppop supplied seal and gasket.

Half hour dinking around with the valve cover washers and inspection...

So where are we at?

Approx four hours, plus oil and filter, plus any state taxes?

There's your bill.

Now, it needs the oil leak examined/diagnosed further. Possible valve adjustment.

Add it up... That's just the facts of life.
Should have paid with a credit card. That way you can always dispute the bill thru your c/c company. I hope I have the punctuation and spelling right. :rofl_200:
First off, sorry to hear that it didn't work out the way you wanted, but I have to ask, did he give you a receipt of work performed? If so, does it list new valve cover gaskets? Is it leaking at the same place it was leaking before the repair? Also, does it list that valve tolerances were done?

It sounds like the rest of the work was done, water pump and oil change.

One other thing, these valve cover gasket, even new are sometimes a bitch to get to seal right. I had to redo a new valve cover gasket 3 times on my Radian before I finally got to stop leaking. I really don't think the rubber are as good a quality as they once were.

If he put the valve adjustment and valve cover gaskets on the receipt, than you need to go back and talk to this guy to see if it's just an error, or a miscommunication or he is in fact a jackass.

This must have been get poppop week,I do the best i can,HOPE THIS IS BETTER,forgive me,PLEASE.Im wore out with saying sorry.Those who do not accept can kiss my can,I will FUCKIN try to do better.
The mechanic didn't claim to say he had the valve cover off or replaced the gasket?

I'm reading that he added some washers and nothing else?

Piss poor troubleshooting for sure, but like someone else said, the bill isn't exorbitant for shop work. Shop rates in my area are $75-100 an hour, the water pump job has gotta be 2- 3 hours, plus probably a $75 flat rate for the oil an hour for screwing with but not fixing the cover leak.....

If the guy told he he replaced the valve cover gasket and obviously did not then you might have a case.......

Best thing you can do is write your experience off and go buy some tools and use what this forum has to offer in the way of help and avoid shops altogether to avoid these shop rates, repairs are higher 'n a cat's back even when the work is good......

Nothing on the vmax is really all that complicated, especially with the help of some of the great guys on this forum....
Reading comprehension > you.

I never claimed I was either, but its certainly better than reading a bunch of gibberish.
Im no key board warrior.or a oxford anything,How about asking a little nicer,If i offend you that badly don,t waste your time reading my fucking whatever! MOVE THE MOUSE! Please ,wasn;t i nice?
The best you can is good enough Pop. Don't be afraid to ask for help here, or post.
Now wasn't that nice fuckin ' grammar?
Got caught up in the moment.didn;t think about grammer,Bikes apart if anything,Valves a lil tight,17000 miles is all thats on it,20+ year old gaskets,They are done.Not a mark in a screw not even a hose clamp had ever been bothered,I wish i had done it myself to start with live and learn ,and learn who your friends are along the way,thanks again
Got caught up in the moment.didn;t think about grammer,Bikes apart if anything,Valves a lil tight,17000 miles is all thats on it,20+ year old gaskets,They are done.Not a mark in a screw not even a hose clamp had ever been bothered,I wish i had done it myself to start with live and learn ,and learn who your friends are along the way,thanks again
Glad to hear you got-er done Pop!