Why do you suppose so many retire and die their last days in FL?
My life changed somewhat unplanned transplanting me from Ohio to S Florida about 25 years ahead of schedule. Shorelines are more moderate temp wise. Inland can get downright stifling. Oceans moderate the temps somewhat. Trust me, there are plenty of good money jobs he rebut whether you land one or not is a toss up. Guess you could ask Coprunner his experience. Heat is relative I suppose. Everywhere you drive, shop, or hangout is A/C'd but I would not care to be laying asphalt for a living. There is a rainy season which is summer. But how do you put a price on 3/4 this of the year perfection?! Christmas waterside in shorts with a cold one. Yeah man, c'mon down. I need someone else to fly by on my Max!