That's a great story Rock!! Wish I couldda seen it! :clapping::clapping::clapping:
Good story ! You can out run most of them. We did have a street glide in the shop the other day that we put a 113 stroker in & it made a 131 hp & 121 tourqe at teh rear wheel.
We could chain drive (or belt) the vmax engine and shove it into one of them HD chassis'. That would surprise a lot of people. My father in law had one we picked up before he got the max. It was actually as fast as the stock max and never did open the engine to find out what had been done.
Yeah I dont quite undertsand it either that guy had a $ 14,000 dollar bill when we were done with his bike & thats just crazy to me.I saw that post the other week with the Harley with the Jim's motor in it running mid 10's. I don't really get it but it sure is a sleeper. If I were buying a bike like that I don't think I would set it up to race. Kind of like making a VMAX into a monster truck or perhaps an offshore power boat.
Wait a minuite! Sean do you think it would be possible?? I think I am on to something here.
Yeah I dont quite undertsand it either that guy had a $ 14,000 dollar bill when we were done with his bike & thats just crazy to me.
That Harley Monkey might be related he sure likes to spend money. we are steadily putting crap on peoples bikes.I think the formula for Harley HP mods is something like $1000.00 - wallet = 1 HP... Advantage= Vmax. 14K for some mods? Something tells me that Sean could get me into a higher HP range for about 1/14th the cost. Are the Vmax monkey and the Harley monkey related or are they a different species altogether?
Yeah I dont quite undertsand it either that guy had a $ 14,000 dollar bill when we were done with his bike & thats just crazy to me.
I saw that post the other week with the Harley with the Jim's motor in it running mid 10's. I don't really get it but it sure is a sleeper. If I were buying a bike like that I don't think I would set it up to race. Kind of like making a VMAX into a monster truck or perhaps an offshore power boat.
Wait a minuite! Sean do you think it would be possible?? I think I am on to something here.
I think it'd be a challenge to find many vehicles built from the ground up using domestic-only parts and built in its native country. Labour and parts costs have resulted in many manufacturers (not just American) to go out-sourcing. You could argue that Ford, GM, and Chrysler are also not truly American since they each outsource for various components for their vehicles. In spite of this, my opinion is that Ford, GM, and Chrysler are American companies as is HD.
I know a lot of Harley riders and most are good fellows who love their HOG's and wouldn't be so arrogant as to take on a VMax. Besides, if all you want to do is just cruise around and you're not in any particular hurry, why not a HOG?
I'm liking this idea a lot there Rocko....if you don't pull cooling water from outside the boat, there's no reason why this craft couldn't be jumped, and jumped for considerable distances!!
Just think of the possibilities...................!!!unk: