i think i got my direction now

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if you are going to DIY, please read my creaking thread, might save you a headache.

yup, this is what i am looking for, this guy is overseas. so sean or tom, how much does this part cost? i can weld it up myself to the swing arm.
We don't make our braces like that. We use a 1x2" flat box brace. Not sure what we would charge but thinking about $100 plus shipping (It's $250 if we do the complete arm less coatings). You could easily fab up something yourself though.

The arm moves like nobodies business with the bracing but we are pretty confident we have the process down now. Keep in mind that there is a lot more welding with our brace so it is going to make it shift more then others doing it. We like to fit ours to each arm and don't have a specific jig for the brace (we do for the extended arms which also fits stock arms).

The round tube brace would be simpler to install but ultimately I don't believe is nearly as strong. Plenty of pics in our facebook site (see link in my signature).

The arm moves like nobodies business with the bracing but we are pretty confident we have the process down now. Keep in mind that there is a lot more welding with our brace so it is going to make it shift more then others doing it. We like to fit ours to each arm and don't have a specific jig for the brace (we do for the extended arms which also fits stock arms).

The round tube brace would be simpler to install but ultimately I don't believe is nearly as strong. Plenty of pics in our facebook site (see link in my signature).


also, did you say during the second arm, you noticed it only came out of spec once you notched it?
We extend first (if getting extended), the straighten. Then add the brace then straighten. Then do the notch and straighten.

We extend first (if getting extended), the straighten. Then add the brace then straighten. Then do the notch and straighten.


when doing my second arm one of those seemed to tweak it more (bracing vs notching) than the other right?
The notch required the most work to get back in alignment because it pulled everything inboard.
