Well-Known Member
learn how to pull the carbs and clean the pilot jets!
Be VERY careful when drilling, go too far and you'll hit the screws in there, and that might come back to bite you in the tail. If they still have the plugs over them, they're probably not part of your problem. Not that properly setting them wouldn't improve performance of the bike though. The original owner of my max completely gaffed one of the screws and couldn't figure out why it idled like crap. g/l
Adjusting the screws made a huge diff on how mine idled and ran off the bottom. You might consider pulling the plugs as recommended. If you do pull the plugs, you might consider spraying PB Blaster or something similar into the open holes prior to trying to adjust the screws. Also, carefully choose the screwdriver size.....want to go as large as possible to lessen the chances of stripping the screw heads. Hope this helps..........................RickJimbo i checked them today and they still have the plugs in them.....i feel like you do; probably not the problem anyway....i put them iridium E3-36 Plugs in it today and it did not make much of a difference......the old plugs i took out i kept; man they were in good shape...