Sad story. Guy dies at a demonstration trying to keep Big Brother at bay on personal freedoms. We don't have helmit laws in Arizona and neither should other states. Let those who ride decide. It should be a choice not a law, Spurs
Certainly not something I would "LMAO" about.
I agree in way but the helmetless people cost us much less than the people who live off the welfare system & know how to work it so they never have to work even though there able. I probably dont even need to get into this but if they would drug test all the people on welfare & kick the druggies off we could get out of debt quicker. Thats enough of my soap box for the time being.I think it should be insurance based. If you have a certain qty of insurance (say $1million in AD&D) to cover any costs of being an invalid then let them chose. BUT, many times the helmetless people end up costing the taxpayers since they don't have enough to cover their care and or hospital stay.
That's where your rights infringe upon mine.
Thank you ! Plus all the illegals that we pay for all there medical care for. I am gonna shut up now before I get on a good rant.LOLAny publicly funded aide should have random testing. there was some people up here who got busted. They qualified for pell grants, so the grants paid for thier school, and they just snorted and smoked the student loan money. One guy was telling me how the $5k of leftover student loan cash he got, after the pell grant paid for school, financed his sweet stereo in his car and rims.
My niece and nephew pissed away thier strudent loan money's and are trying to avoid re-payment. The ********* are using my address, but adding "apartment #2" to it. I've written the collectors a few times and called them, saying that they don't live here, and I own the place and its a house not an apartment. It quiets down for a little until they sell the account to another collector.
I blame them ******** and the like that are causing student loans and grants harder to get. I throw them in the same bucket who take advantage of social security, medicade, and other programs even though they are perfectly healthy to work. Social security topic came up when I destroyed my back. I was like "What? Why, I can be re-trained in another carrer." A couple of weeks later I was approved for a student loan and was back in school.
Thank you ! Plus all the illegals that we pay for all there medical care for. I am gonna shut up now before I get on a good rant.LOL
I think it should be insurance based. If you have a certain qty of insurance (say $1million in AD&D) to cover any costs of being an invalid then let them chose. BUT, many times the helmetless people end up costing the taxpayers since they don't have enough to cover their care and or hospital stay.
That's where your rights infringe upon mine.
At the speeds we ride VMax's, a helmet may be more dangerous than not having one. This coming from a person who wrecked at 16 with a Bell 3/4 helmet. Dr's said they could only estimate how many fractures I had in my face. one thought 3,000 to 4,000. Eye Orbits, Nose, Cheeks, Forehead and Upper Jaw. If I'd have had a Full Face Helmet on, it may have saved my face and 2 years of black eyes but it may have also broken my neck on impact. There's good and bad all ways you look at this issue. I weigh the options and possibilities every time I get on a bike..
No helmet, Yes, I'd have been Dead at the scene.
If you decide not to wear a helmet , fine , sign on the line here that says if you are severely injured in an accident , we can pull your plug and you can begin your dirt nap .