Lets beat the dead horse... again

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Wholly hell man, you must be ready to strip a gear. Have you considered borrowing a set of carbs from someone with similar mods? Just reading this makes me want to ship you mine!

Yeah im about to go nuts and drive it off a cliff:damn angry: I know that until i dyno it i wont have "hard" proof about whats wrong... but ive tried just about every setup from stock to mild to wild with jetting and needles and slide springs and and and:bang head::bang head: Unfortunately i dont have anyones carbs to borrow or even try my carbs on their bike.

All i know is when it whack it at idle right now itll stumble a bit and then regain.... unless i cover both intake holes with a rag and itll rev up like mad, and when im riding and i hit my mids the exhaust getting really poppy and higher piched... sounds "lean", if it was rich it would be more gurgly and "soft" like its being smothered.

What really gets me mad is that nothing ive done has made any "significant" changes... main jets havent changed anything but how my top end feels(if i can even get it up there) stage seven needles from the leanest setting to the richest setting havent changed ANYTHING in my mids.. it helped my 2k-4k at WOT, but only in 1st or 3rd gear... in 4th or 5th i cant go over 5k and i got to nurse it from 4k-5k... if i WOT in 3rd gear at 4k.... it stumbles hard and wont recover.... infact itll slow the bike down like i got a jake brake on it! and 4th or 5th gear?? forget about.. it sounds like the bike flat out dies! until i let off the throttle to about 1/4 throttle where it regains consiousness and starts running again.

Im thinking about videoing the bike at idle tomarrow and me whacking the throttle to show yall what i mean..... and if possible ill video what it does while riding

I've got a set I can send out but would need them back fairly soon.

Id definantly be willing to take you up on that offer!!

Im having other issues now.. i road my bike to work(since i really dont have another way to get there right now) and my bike just about died on me four times!!!! i was cruising around 65mph when suddenly it started loosing power and stater missing and popping and i had to pull over cause it would go anymore..... it ran like it was running outa fuel except ive done that and it never started missing and stumbling... itd just die.

So after i pulled over it was still running... like absolute SH*T!!! and after a couple revs and letting it idle for a minute it seemed to regain itself so i got back on the road and about 2 miles later same thing!!... pulled over let it idle and smooth out.... went a few miles and AGAIN... and then as i pulled into work it was running on what sounded like 2 cylinders... i just filled up and have only gone 40 miles since i filled up... so i got plenty of fuel.

.:damn angry::damn angry::damn angry::damn angry::damn angry::damn angry::damn angry::damn angry::damn angry::damn angry::damn angry::damn angry::damn angry::damn angry::bang head::bang head::bang head::bang head::bang head::bang head::bang head::bang head::confused2::confused2::confused2::confused2:

words cant express my anger or confusion :tantrum:

Er... fuel pump on the way out? Filter clogged perhaps? I don't know, grasping at straws.
Er... fuel pump on the way out? Filter clogged perhaps? I don't know, grasping at straws.

the FP is a possibility... but it just sounded more like it wasnt running right and had a miss and just sounded like crap... but its still a possibillity, ill check my filter, but it was just replaced about 4k miles ago... maybe they need replaced more??

I wouldn't think so but if you have rust or crap in your tank certainly it would clog a filter quickly.
Well my filter is a clear one and looks clean, plus i flushed my tank when i redid a bunch of stuff on my bike . And if i look in the tank with a light its clean as a whistle.... So Idk....

Sounds like it's not getting fuel to me. Just because the filter is clear, the tank is full, and the pump clicks doesn't mean its getting fuel fast enough. Also, check for small pin holes in the fuel lines which will leak air into the system and not leak fuel out necessarily.

+1, remove hose from carb rack and aim in bucket.
Well i replaced the fuel line from the pump to the carbs after i had the carbs cleaned, so that shouldnt be leaking anything. Ill have to see how it pumps fuel outa the line into a bucket, i havent tried that.

My bike acted nuts like yours, I put all in the carbs, turned out it was the Electronic Ignition box, My bike ran great at full throttle....like **** everywhere else.

Changed the spark box, perfect !!
If a hole is in the line after the pump it will leak out. If a hole prior to the pump it will suck air in. It doesn't even need to have a hole. It can be as simple as not sealing around the fitting completely.

My bike acted nuts like yours, I put all in the carbs, turned out it was the Electronic Ignition box, My bike ran great at full throttle....like **** everywhere else.

Changed the spark box, perfect !!

You know Im ready to try anything! Im going to set my carbs back to stock and i think Im gunna borrow an ignition box.

If a hole is in the line after the pump it will leak out. If a hole prior to the pump it will suck air in. It doesn't even need to have a hole. It can be as simple as not sealing around the fitting completely.


Hey Sean,.ill check the line that feeds the pump to, i didn't even think about that.

Okay so i finally fixed something... i feel a bit dumb for not checking this sooner... but oh well. I pulled my fuel lines after finding that i had very low pressure coming from my pump... and come to find out my fuel filter actually comes apart:confused2: and was clogged with a bunch of crap... even though the filter is see through i couldt actuall see inside the inlet of it and that was clogged.

So the bike doesnt die now!!!

Although the mid range stumble is still there and doesnt seem to be any better with the filter being unclogged.

Okay a little update.. i resynced the carbs just to make sure they were good(which they were) and pulled the 160mains outa my PAJ2s and put the 170s back in.

My current setup

-stock air box and filter
-#165 mains
-#170 PAJ2
-#90 PAJ1
-#40 FPJ
-kerker 4-2-1( with the larger muffler..2 1/2inch i think)
-stage 7 needles set at the richest setting
-slightly drilled slides with stage 7 springs

Current issue... my mids are still to lean, i know this from putting tape over the intake "Y" inlets and covered them both a little less than half way, went for a ride and with vboost off it would pull thru the mids with some stumbling but MUCH better than before, with vboost open it wouldnt pull thru the mids at all.... basically it would studdar and not go any faster.

So i pulled over and took the tape of the airbox, turned vboost off and noticed my mids got worse without the tape, couldnt pull thru them at WOT, had to nurse it to 6k before i could go WOT, and with vboost open it was even worse, i can hear the motor just popping and stumbling real bad.

So my mids are definitely lean.... any ideas to richen them?? maybe shim my stage 7 needles??
