Remove it from your bike. Use paint remover to remove paint and clean it. Then sand it or use steel wood pads with soap. After it looks ok, use a drilling or polish machine to get perfect look. I use Autosol polish on my polish machine.
BUT, if you use your bike in rain, I recommend paint it with new clear coat after you are happy with your polish. You must use clear coat for aluminium. Ask your dealer.
I keep the shaft drive on my Madura 1200 without clear coat for 28 years. Only wash it 5 minute with autosol on wet sponge when I wash my bike and dry it immediately. That bike never see rain. Engine cover, radiator cover and backrest was sent to get chrome.
If you send it to get chrome, remember to store your bike a place it is over +5 degrees wintertime. If it goes under 0 degrees, it will start corrosion under the chrome.