Love these photos...

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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2013
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St. Louis
I came across an interesting site that has some cool historic photos that I found interesting. Each one creating questions in my mind. Here's a few in case you might enjoy them too.

1. 1938 - Frank Sinatra mugshot. Arrested for "Carrying on with a married woman."
2. 1846 - The very first picture ever taken of the White House.
3. 1936 - Spanish Civil War in Barcelona
4. 1917 - World War I crane girls at a munitions factory in Nottinghamshire England.
5. 1892 - Loggers and a Mark Twain Redwood.
6. 1914 - WWI - A German and British soldier sharing a smoke during the Christmas Truce.
7. 1862 - Burial Crew at Antietam.
8. 1957 - Eleanor Roosevelt's pistol license.
9. Ernest Hemingway and a tommy gun.
10. 1975 - Police photo of the items found in the Ted Bundy's VW.


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  • SpanishCivilWarBarcelona-1936.jpg
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  • 1917-WWICraneGirlsShellFillingFactoryNottinghamshireEngland.jpg
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  • 1892LoggersandMarkTwainRedwood.jpg
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  • 1914-WWIChristmasTruce.jpg
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  • 1862-BurialCrewAtAntietam.jpg
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  • EleanorRooseveltsPistolLicense1957.jpg
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  • HemingwayTommyGun.jpg
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  • PolicePhotoOfItemsFoundInTedBundysVW-1975.jpg
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  • 1938-SinatraNJArrestforCarryingOnWithMarriedWoman.jpg
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Interesting pics. A lot of misery represented among them.

Ted Bundy was jealous of the publicity that the Green River killer was getting, in the OR/WA area. Bundy liked to brag that the ones he admitted to were less-than the ones he actually-committed. He tried to stretch-out the time before he was executed, by saying he had info on many other missing women, but Florida had enough, and ended his life.
Here's some more that I found interesting.

1. 1885 - Mercedes Benz motorcycle.
2. 1957 - 5 megabyte IBM hard drive.
3. 1909 - Rush hour traffic Chicago.
4. 1950 - Drive in in Southbend, Indiana
5. 1910 - 3500lb Ocean sunfish Catalina Island, California.
6. 1922 - Woman getting swimsuit measured for length violation.
7. 1936 - Mail carriers leaving to start their routes from the main office in New York City.
8. 1550 - The golden gauntlet of Henri III of France.
9. 1942 - Japanese American store owner evicted to an internment camp.
10. 1940 - British Expeditionary Force soldier getting a kiss from his girlfriend as he returns from Dunkirk.


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  • 1942-JapaneseAmericanStoreOwnerEvicted.jpg
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  • 1550-The Golden Gaunlet of Henri III of France.jpg
    1550-The Golden Gaunlet of Henri III of France.jpg
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  • 1936-MailCarriersleavingmainpostofficeNYC.jpg
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  • 1922-Woman having her swimsuit measured for length violations.jpg
    1922-Woman having her swimsuit measured for length violations.jpg
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  • 1910-3500lbOceanSunfishCatalinaIslandCalifornia.jpg
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  • 1950s-DriveInSouthBendIndiana.jpg
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  • 1909-RushHourChicago.jpg
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  • 5MBDriveIBM.jpg
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  • 1885-MercedesBenzMotorcycle.jpg
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Ted Bundy's trunk contents remind me a "quintessential serial killer kit" that one may have been able to mail order from the back of a magazine. Creepy.

What's with the guy in Spanish Civil War photo? The one standing in the middle of the street. He doesn't look like he belongs there.
That guy in the Spanish Civil War photo stood out to me as well. Most of these pictures I posted were because something about them made me ask other questions or want to know more about the moment. But yea the first thing I thought of with that pic was the guy with the pistol in this scene in the movie Harlem Nights.
Guessing those are the Loyalists, who were defeated by Franco with the support of Hitler, who used the Spanish Civil War to test his Luftwaffe in combat, a 'dress-rehearsal' for WW II.

If that guy isn't a photoshopped-in character, it looks like the uniforms are the police, and that could be a detective, as he would be more-likely to carry a revolver than a long gun. Apparently it's a long-running battle between the Loyalists and Franco's fascist troops, probably who surprised the mounted police in an ambush, and the police using the downed horses as cover from-which to return fire.