I came across an interesting site that has some cool historic photos that I found interesting. Each one creating questions in my mind. Here's a few in case you might enjoy them too.
1. 1938 - Frank Sinatra mugshot. Arrested for "Carrying on with a married woman."
2. 1846 - The very first picture ever taken of the White House.
3. 1936 - Spanish Civil War in Barcelona
4. 1917 - World War I crane girls at a munitions factory in Nottinghamshire England.
5. 1892 - Loggers and a Mark Twain Redwood.
6. 1914 - WWI - A German and British soldier sharing a smoke during the Christmas Truce.
7. 1862 - Burial Crew at Antietam.
8. 1957 - Eleanor Roosevelt's pistol license.
9. Ernest Hemingway and a tommy gun.
10. 1975 - Police photo of the items found in the Ted Bundy's VW.
1. 1938 - Frank Sinatra mugshot. Arrested for "Carrying on with a married woman."
2. 1846 - The very first picture ever taken of the White House.
3. 1936 - Spanish Civil War in Barcelona
4. 1917 - World War I crane girls at a munitions factory in Nottinghamshire England.
5. 1892 - Loggers and a Mark Twain Redwood.
6. 1914 - WWI - A German and British soldier sharing a smoke during the Christmas Truce.
7. 1862 - Burial Crew at Antietam.
8. 1957 - Eleanor Roosevelt's pistol license.
9. Ernest Hemingway and a tommy gun.
10. 1975 - Police photo of the items found in the Ted Bundy's VW.
FirstPhotoofWhiteHouse1846.jpg86.1 KB
SpanishCivilWarBarcelona-1936.jpg43.1 KB
1917-WWICraneGirlsShellFillingFactoryNottinghamshireEngland.jpg81.2 KB
1892LoggersandMarkTwainRedwood.jpg91.9 KB
1914-WWIChristmasTruce.jpg31.5 KB
1862-BurialCrewAtAntietam.jpg84 KB
EleanorRooseveltsPistolLicense1957.jpg77.7 KB
HemingwayTommyGun.jpg87.3 KB
PolicePhotoOfItemsFoundInTedBundysVW-1975.jpg49.8 KB
1938-SinatraNJArrestforCarryingOnWithMarriedWoman.jpg30.2 KB