I somewhat find it amusing at how far people will go to "protect" themselves from identity theft.
I can tell you guys that if you want to COMPLETELY prevent your identety being stolen, fake your death, move to Africa, build a place in the forest from sticks and leaves, no windows or doors, and stay there for the rest of your dead life. Identety theft is almost inevitable now at days when everything is paperless and on internal networks (small businesses [doctors, dentists] without a proper IT guy can be accessed by a few good injectors, or a sweet bruteforce on a laptop that you hd somewhere by their office.) You can't prevent it from happening, but you can take steps to protect yourself, like for example how I said earlier to only enter your SS# on SSL Certified Websites, don't use CC's at cafe's, don't own any of the fast scan CC saver things (these can be accessed with ease with just a magnetic reader), don't use unsecure WiFi connections, and the simplest of them all... have a PROPER AntiVirus application, I ONLY recommend Eset Nod32 SmartSecurity AV to my clients and I actually force any new clients to change over... I PERSONALLY only use ESET, and only one I trust.
Just so you guys keep in mind, most people that buy CC#'s online have the knowledge that you will not pay for anything they buy, additionally the people that actually steal your CC# (at least the people I knew) did it to teach people a lesson to be more cautious of what's going around you and who's doing what. There are a lot of White hat (ethical hackers) that do go around companies to teach them how to protect themselves and their clients (this is the way I started with my business and working in the IT field.)