Well-Known Member
Another interesting tidbit about Mexico - - -
Unless I find some online and post them, they aren't going to be posted.I am still waiting for the hot mexican chick pics....
I think its a damn shame about Mexico, I grew up in the Big Bend region of Texas, made many trips across the border. I grew up as a white minority and would generally say that I have a great fondness for the entire Mexican culture that I grew up with. The people, their outlook on life, love of family and God, all of it.
Mexico is a Beautiful country, has natural resources in excess, fantastic port access, a "good spot" on the globe......
And no excuse whatsoever for not being a better country than it is.....
It has the same excuse we have " GOVERNMENT " .
Gonna shed the 'harsh light of reality' here guys....there is no safe place, no utopia where nymphs frolic in the surf....not in Rosarito, Chi, Philly or even Essex Junction Vermont! Violence can occur anywhere at any time, less likely in some places than others but no place is immune.
Gonna shed the 'harsh light of reality' here guys....there is no safe place, no utopia where nymphs frolic in the surf....not in Rosarito, Chi, Philly or even Essex Junction Vermont! Violence can occur anywhere at any time, less likely in some places than others but no place is immune.
speaking of 'podunk' junction towns, just reminded me of de kalb junction, NY. oh man. probably not much violence going on there though. or much of anything. i think they'll be getting those new 'colour televisions' in soon.
Negatorie Night Rider....just happen in the DeKalb Hotel about midnight on a Saturday night, make it known yer looking fer trouble....plenty of violence to be had there!!:rofl_200:
I know Garrett, not quite what you're talkin' about. :biglaugh:
But yeah, that's some backward little burg for sure!!
probably me, you and outlaw the only guys who know that place.
Haha...I agree! The folks that hang there on a regular basis....they don't get out in 'the world' very often!! (Can you hear the theme song to "Deliverance" in the background.....?) :biglaugh:
If you ask me if someone moves to Mexico from the states it's usually cause they are on the rum from something & hiding !!! Mexico is a total dump!!!!