More Than 2 dozen Harley Riders crash on I-5 in Oregon

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there is no one else to blame but them. the report i read says the two in the front actually missed the suv so they cant blame the driver for stopping to suddenly and indicates a 'safe' distance. everyone else behind them went down and from what i see here in texas, it was probubly because they were riding practicaly on top of each other.

Ride smart or fly to the hospital.:stretche:
Street Vibrations are at full throat here in Reno, Nv. 10,000 harleys and 5 other bikes:moped2:
Not a terribly friendly bunch unless you ride what they ride, and look as they look. NO ( as in none) returned waves out on the road. Many accidents and even more breakdowns. JUST NOT MY STYLE.

the way i have always figured is H-D owners are actually in their late 20 early 30 the reason "look" so old and "tore back" is because they are always so stressed and worried about where not when their bike is going to break down and where they are going to get all the money to fix it.:rofl_200:
thats crazy bad luck for them. i usually see big HD groups riding side by side, i know its the cool thing for a hog driver but if your in a group of more then 4, dont think you can see far enough infront to get out of trouble. So a group of 28 or what ever, man thats crazy plus the crapy brakes on them well guess its boud to happin.
reminded me of the guy yesterday on the pizza run that seemed all hot and bothered riding up behind the group after he cut infront of a bunch of us. Like you said dan "better to let them go by" dont need to mess with a 2.5 ton vehicle while your on a bike.
When I ride with my club if we have more than 10 bikes we break up into 2 or more groups.

We never ever ride 2 abreast and we review our hand signals before EVERY ride.

We also sheppard new riders and have a designated tail gunner that falls back if anyone breaks down.

It makes for a fun and safe experience.

We can speculate all day about HD riders and their mentallity. Doesnt matter. I just pray for the families involved in such a sensless tradgedy.
Some of the best people I know, family, rides HD.
For us it is not about what you ride, just the fact you do.
Just remember
Those who matter dont mind
Those who mind dont matter.
When I ride with my club if we have more than 10 bikes we break up into 2 or more groups.

We never ever ride 2 abreast and we review our hand signals before EVERY ride.

We also sheppard new riders and have a designated tail gunner that falls back if anyone breaks down.

It makes for a fun and safe experience.

We can speculate all day about HD riders and their mentallity. Doesnt matter. I just pray for the families involved in such a sensless tradgedy.
Some of the best people I know, family, rides HD.
For us it is not about what you ride, just the fact you do.
Just remember
Those who matter dont mind
Those who mind dont matter.
+1 well said
thats crazy bad luck for them. i usually see big HD groups riding side by side, i know its the cool thing for a hog driver but if your in a group of more then 4, dont think you can see far enough infront to get out of trouble. So a group of 28 or what ever, man thats crazy plus the crapy brakes on them well guess its boud to happin.
reminded me of the guy yesterday on the pizza run that seemed all hot and bothered riding up behind the group after he cut infront of a bunch of us. Like you said dan "better to let them go by" dont need to mess with a 2.5 ton vehicle while your on a bike.

Was VERY concerned about this guy....being behind and watching him accellerate then jump on the brakes it was obvious he was trying to stay as close to your back tire as possible! All this after, as you said, forcing his way into the middle of our group at the 2 lane merge (nearly taking out Garrett's Dad)!

A real wild card, that clown was!!! :damn angry:
Was VERY concerned about this guy....being behind and watching him accellerate then jump on the brakes it was obvious he was trying to stay as close to your back tire as possible! All this after, as you said, forcing his way into the middle of our group at the 2 lane merge (nearly taking out Garrett's Dad)!

A real wild card, that clown was!!! :damn angry:
Were can one find the 'ASS CLOWN' emoticon?
i had no idea, when was this, when we were still on 12?
i had no idea, when was this, when we were still on 12?

When we were on the north end of Lowville, approaching the red light at the turn onto #812, the road necks down from 2 lanes to one....some ass hat in a Ford Excursion was trying to get ahead of all of us at the merge, couldn't make it to the head of the line, so he just forced his way in the middle of our group. I think Kratz was right behind Andy and the guy forced his way between them.
Kratz & Tugla passed him heading out of Lowville, but when I saw how close he was riding Tugla (a foot, maybe 60mph!!) I didn't dare pass!!
Very tense miles to the next town!!
oh jeeze. i had no idea, as i was leading. we did pretty good overall, that once stretch where there was no cars and bombing thru the adirondacks at like 75 with what like 12 bikes in tow was incredible.
When we were on the north end of Lowville, approaching the red light at the turn onto #812, the road necks down from 2 lanes to one....some ass hat in a Ford Excursion was trying to get ahead of all of us at the merge, couldn't make it to the head of the line, so he just forced his way in the middle of our group. I think Kratz was right behind Andy and the guy forced his way between them.
Kratz & Tugla passed him heading out of Lowville, but when I saw how close he was riding Tugla (a foot, maybe 60mph!!) I didn't dare pass!!
Very tense miles to the next town!!

Jeez, glad that all worked out OK. Crazy mfers out there.

A couple of summers ago, there were a bunch of squids on the North Dallas Tollway, driving slowly and blocking traffic so their buddies could stunt ahead of them. One driver eventually got fed up and started knocking bikes out of the way. The bikes retaliated, kicked the crap out of the car, eventually showering it with gunfire. Complete mess.

I blame m-cman, of course. :biglaugh:
do sport bike riders usually carry handguns?

I heard no mention of this ******......

Glad it all worked out......

Scary for sure:damn angry:
This was my big concern with that jerk-off on #812!! Why would a guy start harrassing a large group of bikers unless he felt like he somehow had the upper hand. :confused2:

Like I said....tense situation!

He DOES have the upper hand.....

4 tons of steel wins every time.......

SUV drivers tend to be aggressive drivers......

Even worse are the folks in a lifted 4X4 with HUGE tires......:th_scared:
I have had ONE guy on a sport bike cut in front of me - and then slam on his brakes in road rage. I was driving a 1986 Lincoln Town car. Not exactly known for it's braking prowess.

I remember thinking to myself "So THIS is darwinism at work..."

I had changed lanes - at 10kmph over the speed limit. He was zig zagging in and out of traffic - at about 50kmph over the speed limit - and a result I "got in his way"

I didn't see the guy - and I have no intentions of making ANYONE scrub on their bike - even if they are driving like a turd. I was going OVER the speed limit myself - albeit not by much.

If I was someone else, perhaps with a greater temper, he would have been under my car.

I am positive he was a new rider. You'd HAVE to be.

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