More Than 2 dozen Harley Riders crash on I-5 in Oregon

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oh jeeze. i had no idea, as i was leading. we did pretty good overall, that once stretch where there was no cars and bombing thru the adirondacks at like 75 with what like 12 bikes in tow was incredible.

it was definitely weird, never seen someone try that with a group of bikes like we had, and it wasnt like we were holding up traffic, like you said moving along at a pretty good pace. You did a wicked job up at the front of the two wheeled ship :eusa_dance:.

we made sure to put a little space between him and your dad, had his back you know....
I was definitely driving in my mirrors the hole time the ass was behind me just to make sure i didn't get a back full of ford grill.
Here's my thoughts:

The riders in the front may have been tailgating the SUV. SUV rider got pissed-off & brake-checked 'em. All other riders were riding in like fashion a.k.a. tail-gaiting each other.

Regardless of the fact if the SUV driver did it intentionally or not it could have been avoided if the 3 second rule was applied. Even a Harley can out stop an SUV so it was totally the fault of the riders.

Too many motorcyclist ride-butt here in PA & the consequences are always the same; The rider was not maintaining a safe distance & did not keep control of their bikes in a panic situation. Too many think "their" safety is "someone else's" responsibility.

I always assume everyone around me will slam on their brakes, turn left in front of me & am already planning for every forseeable senario. Mentally exhausting, yes...but it's kept me alive for 22 years of riding almost daily on the road & saved me on the track as well.

It's ashame they didn't maintain a safe distance.


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